Footpath below New Barn garage

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 12:34

[I've moved the developing debate about free parking to its own thread --Richard]

Harriet Baldwin

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 12:22

And charlbury is now advertised as a walkers are welcome town, so walkers do turn up and finding they can't park in the car park they park on the road. At the bottom of nine acres if they want to walk along the Oxfordshire way (usually I think if there are already other cars parked there), and the enstone road if they've thought a bit more about passing traffic, or they're heading towards the saltway.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 11:27

100% agree that there are too many, too large cars.

chris emsden

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 11:20

Mmmmm, we'll see Richard, " Needs must when the Devil...........!". Our biggest problem could well turn out to be Charlbury Station, commuters will go to the nearest/easiest point to get where they want to go,Oxford/London etc, increasingly nowadays more for work reasons, & as long as they can park somewhere/anywhere preferably for free then they will do so, it gets to the point where this must be controlled with restrictions/regulations, as I said the days of consideration for others in these circumstances have all but gone, sadly people today are too selfish!
No it is not just commuters, Charlbury's population is increasing at an alarming rate, you can build all these new houses with their own parking/driveways etc, but that does not & will never alter the centre of Charlbury, which was never designed for cars, you can't knock down buildings or make the pavements any narrower, so we go back to the fact there are too many cars, & not just that, also the fact that cars are much bigger nowadays, again Charlbury was never built for it, so somehow it must be controlled. Maybe if people walked more it would help, to the Co-op/Park etc, but that won't happen because people are in too much of a rush nowadays, they've always got to be somewhere else, so this all adds to the congestion in Charlbury. So what is the answer? Controlled parking/waiting! You can dance round it forever & a day, but Charlbury is out-growing itself, so measures need to be en-forced to control it.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 10:29

I've put together a little poster you can print out and put on offending car windows - .

Chris - I think that's vanishingly unlikely: WODC is so wedded to the notion of free parking that I would be beyond amazed if they put pay-and-display machines in Charlbury when the rest of the district is free.

Let's also not be too hasty to assume it's entirely the fault of commuters: there are cars parked on the pavement at the weekend when there are no commuters, and the 4x4 I saw opposite the Post Office yesterday, leaving just 6in of pavement, certainly wasn't a commuter either.

Paul Taylor

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 08:58

Last night walking my dog people dropping of kids at the shed had left about a foot off room to get by, a woman replyed to me when I mention parking on the pathment only going to be a couple of minutes with selfish lazy people like this there will all ways be problems

stephen cavell

Fri 13 Jan 2017, 06:46

Wow - no pussyfooting in chris emsden's contribution. I am afraid it is very close to reality and needs to be said.

chris emsden

Thu 12 Jan 2017, 19:40

This is a common problem nowadays in all Villages/Towns/Cities, the simple truth in this country is that there are too many cars, & the situation in Charlbury will only become worse when the new Leisure Centre opens in Spendlove, with cars coming from all surrounding Towns/Villages to use the new facilities. I can see it coming, & people won't like it, but I can see them double-yellow lining the whole of Charlbury & it will be resident/permit holders parking only, & the Spendlove being made pay & display with a 2 hour maximum parking limit. There is no point appealing to people's better nature & asking them to be considerate, because most of the cars parked on paths etc belong to commuters & non-Charlbury residents, so they couldn't give a flying-monkeys about any inconvenience they cause!

john h

Tue 10 Jan 2017, 17:12

I think the beamer had a ticket on its screen yesterday as i drove by!!

Pearl Manners

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 17:45

Thank you Liz.

Liz Leffman

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 17:05 (last edited on Mon 9 Jan 2017, 17:05)

Yes, I will be doing a petition, Pearl, I will take it into the post office on Wednesday as I will be away tomorrow

Paul Taylor

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 13:14

The police were called again today to see if they will do any thing about it there was a silver X5 and a white Seat both taking up best part of the path Sunday any alderly person would have struggled to get by the two cars please ring 101 and report any problems they have assured me they we deal with it if it's unsafe.

Pearl Manners

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 12:53

If you say so Jim. I just thought would show more support.

Jim Holah

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 12:06

Surely the point us that the parking restrictions need to be extended further up nine acres.....OCC are the Highway Authority & so need to process a Traffic Regulation Order (or whatever...) to achieve this on the request of the Town Council & / or WODC. Only once this is on place can enforcement be pursued. Cllr Rose was clear that there is no general order in Oxfordshire to prevent pavement parking so the option is to prevent parking on this stretch of road. Petitions are a waste of effort really as long as the TC / WODC are supporting this we should be able to progress the proper process.

Trevor Taylor

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 11:00

It is abundantly clear that this junction is now very dangerous. Turning into Nine Acres Lane from the Charlbury Road it is impossible to see oncoming traffic. I've had several close calls here. It is only a matter of time before there's an injury accident.

I raised this with the Police in December 2012 and was told the yellow lines conform to regulations. If that's the case then the regulations are wrong. Remember when it set sail the Titanic also conformed to the maritime regulation of the day. That was little comfort to those who died.

Heads need banging together and this high risk junction needs to be made safe.

Pearl Manners

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 10:13

Liz are you still doing a petition?

Liz Leffman

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 09:20 (last edited on Mon 9 Jan 2017, 09:22)

Ha! I have just spoken to WODC and guess what, they have said the request has to come to them from OCC, not the other way round as Rodney has suggested. So over to you, Rodney. Though I will send an e mail to the parking department to apprise them of the issue and see if anything can be done to break this deadlock.

Liz Leffman

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 09:11

Thank you, Rodney, it is helpful to know the procedure. I will contact the District Council today and ask what needs to be done to sort this out. The sooner we have a unitary authority for the county the easier it will be to get things done!

Paul Taylor

Sun 8 Jan 2017, 17:47

Rodney The police have been informed on other times about cars blocking footpaths and have done nothing hence why this has been posted on here. We need some enforcement to stop it happening for safety reasons but the enforcement (Police) need to act. They also knew about a person driving a car about with tyres that had warn though the canvase the owner told him they were legal and he let them carry on driving said car about for weeks.

Jim Holah

Sun 8 Jan 2017, 14:21

Dear Councillor Rose. Thank you for that outline of a very positive process to achieve additional no parking double yellow lines at this location. I'm aware the Town Council support the proposal, so the first step is a formal request from the TC to progress this. Secondly, our District Councillor/s also support the proposal and youve now confirmed your support. Excellent news. The consultation will be an inclusive opportunity for all to record their views and hopefully we'll reach a conclusion that eliminates both a traffic bottleneck and most importantly ensure that no elderly or other person has to risk their lives by using the roadway rather than the footpath. That's where the true selfishness lies, with car drivers who believe they can take over the footpath for their own purposes.
As to the resource implications, in terms of local authorities, all such decisions are political, from central government austerity policies, the impact on county & district budgets and decisions on where to spend scarce resources are all made on the basis of political parties manifestos and their these impacts on local people are political and we have to resort to pressure on our elected representatives to resolve these issues for us and then ensure that restrictions (in this case) are properly enforced. I'll be writing formally to the TC asking for the process to start asap. Anyone care to send their own requests to join in?

Pearl Manners

Sat 7 Jan 2017, 17:55 (last edited on Sun 8 Jan 2017, 07:12)

To Rodney Rose....Me political, I think not!! The reason for my remark was because, as you will have read, the fact that you had come to Charlbury and may have travelled down the Nineacres lane, which is the road in question and the subject of discussion about dangerous parking at the junction, so would or may have experienced the problem. The fact you came from Milton under Wychwood therefore that would not have happened. However, thank you for clearing up the situation with regard to quest for Double yellow Lines which is supported by many people and hopefully that can still be looked into as a solution to the problem and I am pleased we have your support under conditions you mention.

Yes, obviously I do approve your attempts to improve the Stations and parking on North Cotswold line.

Rodney S Rose

Sat 7 Jan 2017, 16:57

To Pearl, I do have to say that this is sounding a little political, which I hope will not happen in the forum. But I do hope Pearl would applaud all attempts to improve stations and parking on the North Cotswold Line, which was my intent when I met with both Robert Courts MP and with Mark Hopwood who is MD of GWR. I did drive to Charlbury Station from my home in Milton under Wychwood, and the meeting was quite positive. On the parking issue, I feel just as frustrated as Jim. Unless local complaints lead to Police enforcement [and it is amazing what a couple of warnings or fines CAN achieve], this basically devolves down to a District issue. Although OCC do have to put in the Traffic Regulation Order [TRO], which can cost up to £7000, we would have to consult locally and it is WODC who have taken over parking and are responsible for enforcement, so we would need their agreement. And objections from local residents could prevent the lines going in, while still having to find the cost of the fees locally. But I will support any request from WODC, if backed by the Town Council, should this be the way forward.

Helen Chapman

Sat 7 Jan 2017, 11:43

While we are discussing this stretch of road I was wondering if there had ever been any discussion in the past about putting up a zebra crossing on Nine Acres to join the footpath and the scout hut? It's a tricky crossing and a point where you are forced to cross if walking from the co-op or the flats, as there's no footpath on that side of the road.

Pearl Manners

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 16:39

I wonder if Councillor Rodney Rose came to Charlbury by road today because there's a photo on FB of him with Robert Courts MP when they visited Charlbury Station to talk about the train services!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 14:05

Posts have much to be said for them but they do make it hard to push a buggy or wheelchair along the pavement. The ones at the Dyers Hill end of Thames Street are particularly awkward for this. It's not a lot of consolation if there are no longer cars in the way but there are now posts in the way! Selfishly I'd love posts on the Market Street pavement to stop HGVs mounting the kerb, rattling out our mortar and collapsing the drains, but in practice it would be an obstacle to many trying to walk along the pavement.

David Cook

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 12:43

Hi Liz

The issue was parking on the pavement, there is as you know an issue in Charlbury ref sufficient parking space, adding more yellow lines compounds the issue. Installing posts (as is the case in Thames Street) would solve the issue of paving parking which was Paul's original complaint on the Forum.

Liz Leffman

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 12:32

David, I am only too acutely aware of the problems of parking in the centre of Charlbury as I live in the centre and have to park on the street. However, there is a major problem with parking at the bottom of Nine Acres Lane. People park too close to the corner because there is no restriction, and I have frequently experienced the difficulty of coming round the corner from Chippy and encountering traffic problems due to cars parked there. I am not alone - I get many complaints about this. It is a dangerous corner and preventing people form parking there is not selfish, it is sensible. People try to alleviate the problem by parking on the pavement, which creates its own problems as we see from this Forum. The solution is for the yellow line to be extended. I recognise that this alone will not solve the problems that we have with parking in Charlbury - the station car park is overflowing and we have precious little space for residents. But it may just prevent an accident and make walking on the pavement easier in this very small area of the town.

Rachael Lunney

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 12:29

Hi Liz
I happy to go and knock on people door I now on thames street, we all getting fed up.

David Cook

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 11:28

Liz, you clearly have a lot of spare time on your hands, your proposal is selfish and does not take into account those residents in Thames Street who do not have access to off street parking. Installation of posts would stop the issue of parking on the pavement and would still allow residents and their visitors to park. We have posts outside our houses which are very effective in preventing vehicles mounting the pavement.

Jim Holah

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 11:23

How about some direct early morning picket of the site preventing cars parking on the pavement by peacefully standing in the way. Oxford Mail reporter + unhappy residents often flushes out a reluctant representative of the people. ...Liz excluded from this list of course.

Liz Leffman

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 11:18 (last edited on Fri 6 Jan 2017, 11:21)

If there is one person who should be able to get this sorted it surely has to be Rodney Rose - he is our county councillor and the deputy leader of the county council and therefore has direct access to officers who could do something about getting a yellow line painted. At least people will think twice before parking on a yellow line, especially if they are leaving the car all day to go to the station. But, as his reply to Jim indicates, he is apparently not able to do anything about it, even though the district councillors and town councillors all agree that action is needed.

I am going to start a petition which I invite everyone in Charlbury to sign. I will put paper versions in the Post Office and Corner House (obviously with permission) and will organise an on-line version. The only way that we can get Highways to do something is for us all to put our weight behind this. I will let you know when it is up and running which will probably be early next week.

David Cook

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 11:18

If you wish to stop parking on the pavement then ask the council to install posts. Double yellow lines is not a solution, I live in Thames Street and do not have the luxury of off-street parking. I am frustrated that I find it difficult to park due to station users parking their cars to avoid paying for parking.

Jim Holah

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 10:50

Pearl....write to Cllr Rodney Rose directly to raise your concerns as I did. Only with concerted action to bring pressure on the politicians to make these changes.

Pearl Manners

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 10:19 (last edited on Fri 6 Jan 2017, 10:27)

I do realise that Jim. I am pleased to hear there is lots support which sure there would be......Lets hope then that the OCC elected representative can be contacted to attempt to progress the proposal as you suggest.

Thank you for your reply.

Jim Holah

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 09:48

Already have others & the Town Council support the idea too.....but OCC have to implement the regulation to apply the parking restrictions. It's not just a case of painting some lines. Pressure needs to be applied to our OCC elected representative to progress the proposal.

Pearl Manners

Fri 6 Jan 2017, 05:14 (last edited on Fri 6 Jan 2017, 05:54)

Therefore the best option is to have Double Yellow lines going further up the road would resolve the situation and such a simple idea.

Would it be possible for you to suggest that to him please Jim?

Jim Holah

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 21:48

Just so you are all aware, I've had a frustrating dialogue with Cllr Rodney Rose....not because he's been unhelpful, but that there appears to be little that can be done, unless the Police actually witness an obstruction being caused at the point it occurs. I pointed out all of the…

Long post - click to read full text

Rich F

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 10:53 (last edited on Thu 5 Jan 2017, 10:55)

Rule 145
You MUST NOT drive on or over a pavement, footpath or bridleway except to gain lawful access to property, or in the case of an emergency.

Rule 243
DO NOT stop or park:

  • near a school entrance
  • anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services
  • at or near a bus or tram stop or taxi rank
  • on the approach to a level crossing/tramway crossing
  • opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space
  • near the brow of a hill or hump bridge
  • opposite a traffic island or (if this would cause an obstruction) another parked vehicle
  • where you would force other traffic to enter a tram lane
  • where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
    in front of an entrance to a property
  • on a bend
  • where you would obstruct cyclists' use of cycle facilities except when forced to do so by stationary traffic.

Pearl Manners

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 10:11 (last edited on Thu 5 Jan 2017, 10:22)

Liz is it the Oxford County Council that is in charge of Road procedures as I can't see how painting extension to Yellow lines is going to be particularly expensive at all and if they were come out and drive the road they would be more aware of the problem particularly on what may be a bad day. If go into town and are lucky enough to get a parking place down Market Street leaves you no alternative than to take that road home. (unless of course want go Leafield!) It would be such a simple solution rather than have to use other ways to deter parking.
Harriet I think you'll find I asked the question not said it was!

Harriet Baldwin

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 10:10

Surely you have to be driving on the pavement (illegal) to park on it? Even if two wheels are on the road.

Liz Leffman

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 09:48 (last edited on Thu 5 Jan 2017, 09:48)

Paul, I am very aware of the issue and have brought it up with our county councillor on several occasions as I believe the only way to deal with this is to have a yellow line painted all the way up from the corner to the garage. The one that is in place is far too short. But nothing has been done. If there were a yellow line then the District Council could issue notices to anyone parked on it. As things stand, it is technically legal to park there, but Pearl is right, parking on the pavement is an obstruction and this is a police matter.

Pearl Manners

Thu 5 Jan 2017, 05:18 (last edited on Thu 5 Jan 2017, 08:04)

It is very dangerous as it's a 'blind' corner from both directions turning into Nineacres lane and there are families with young children as well put in danger. Ideal solution would be to continue the Double Yellow lines further up the road.

Paul Taylor

Wed 4 Jan 2017, 22:35

Yes your so right but in the past I have tried getting cars that had no need to be blocking footpaths removed but the police are not interested so that's why I have paste it on here some person at Nine Acres will get injured hopefully someone will be shamed into dealing with this mater surly a parish councillor must have seen this going on perhaps Liz Leffman has seen how dangerous it is down there.

Pearl Manners

Wed 4 Jan 2017, 21:51

If parking on the pavement is an obstruction, which it clearly is, doesn't that make it illegal I wonder?

Paul Taylor

Wed 4 Jan 2017, 19:26

The footpath below New Barn Garage towards Spelsbury Road has turned into a car park I beleave for people who are to tight to pay for parking but it's now putting the old age people at risk walking in the road to go around the cars I had to stop to let an elderly person walk around one of the cars tonight it's the only foot path down there this is put on here because making a phone call to the police is a waiste of my time as they say it's not illegal to park on the footpath just illegal drive on it (LOL) . An elderly person is going to get hurt sooner or later with the parking down there. All so while having a moan the lack of footpath down Pooles Lane and Hixet wood is only getting made worse by 2 VWs that don't understand they aren't the only ones using the road and don't slow to a safe speed.

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