Spendlove Recycling bins

Liz Leffman

Tue 3 Jan 2017, 09:33

Yes, sorry, Susie, it is October! Getting ahead of myself

Simon Towers

Mon 2 Jan 2017, 19:11

i think we are missing the plot here we should be saying thank you to WODC for making sure all the excess rubbish that is left at the Spendlove has been so efficiently picked up and cleared over the xmas period. The separate bins make sure that only recyclables are placed in them other, wise everything would be dumped there (as it sometimes is!)

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 2 Jan 2017, 16:58

I thought the change to wheelie bins wasn't happening until October but the change for garden bins will be from April.

Liz Leffman

Mon 2 Jan 2017, 11:53 (last edited on Mon 2 Jan 2017, 11:56)

No, you are not wasting your time separating items at the moment, Alex. For the time being sorting is done at the kerbside, but occasionally, when the usual lorries are unavailable, they send lorries that mix the recycling which is then sorted at a depot. I presume this is what happened at the Spendlove recently. As Jeremy says, from April all recycling will be mixed with the exception of glass. The council will be supplying new wheelie bins for this, but you will be able to continue to use black boxes for all your recycling if that is more convenient - I know for some people getting wheelie bins in and out of the house can be difficult, which is why I argued for that choice to be available.

Jeremy Baldock

Mon 2 Jan 2017, 08:17

I think it is because when the recycling service with the black bins was started the recycled materials were sorted at the kerbside, however now I beleive the materials are sorted at a recycling centre rather than at the kerbside.

It appears that this will change again in April when all recyclable material with the exception of glass will go into a new wheely bin with the glass put out in the current black recycling boxes.

Alex Flynn

Sun 1 Jan 2017, 22:07

I would also like to know if we are wasting our time (no pun intended!)

graham W

Sun 1 Jan 2017, 18:37

Can someone please through some light on this, on the occasions when I'm have seen the Recyclers Bin lorry emptying these bins, why is all tipped in together. If this is the case what is the point of having nominated bins etc!!

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