chris emsden

Mon 7 Nov 2016, 09:16

I fully agree, with 4 dogs that I clear up after every time, more dog poo bins in Charlbury might help the situation! But, what do you expect? Look at the rubbish, sweet wrappers etc always thrown on the ground! People have no respect & clearly couldn't care less about Charlbury!


Sun 6 Nov 2016, 21:21

There's always s**t on the path from the end of Ticknell towards the crossing. It's a nightmare taking children to school in the mornings. Especially as there seems to be lots of leaves also. To make it worse there is a dog s**t bin by the pedestrian crossing. Laziness comes to mind.

Michael Butler 16

Mon 31 Oct 2016, 18:02

You would think with so many Children/adults around now, that people would clean up after their dog/s. Do people not know what it could do to a child's eye sight. Now a-days there is know need to let your dog S**T all over the place. If they do pick it up in a bag, what I take out with me every time I take my dog for a walk, (£1 in the £1 shop) and put it in a bin, which the council have put around or just carry it home in a bag.
I total agree with you Michael, it is disgraceful :-(

michael youngson

Mon 31 Oct 2016, 17:46

I do hope I can find out who is letting there dog shi*e all down the alley going from Londos to Rochester place. It is disgraceful and am sick of it.
Hopefully I will find out who you are and hope for your sake you don't have cream carpets.

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