Please pick up after your dog!!

Michael Butler 16

Mon 31 Oct 2016, 19:37

Total agree there are know excuses for not picking the mess up and putting it in a bag, and bin it....

Shannon Butler

Sun 30 Oct 2016, 14:32

Really starting to get fed up with the amount of dog mess that gets left on the paths in Charlbury! For the 3rd time in 2 weeks I've just had to clean someone else's dog mess from the wheels of my newborns pushchair. Luckily Ive noticed before pushing it into our home! It seems the worst places are Hixet Wood and the alley between Rochester Place and Sturt Road. I've lost count of the amount of times myself and my 2 year old daughter have had to dodge standing in the mess. I've also noticed it getting worse since the leaves have started falling as it gets 'hidden' amongst it.
So please please please pick up after your dog (especially on paths) and use the bins provided - there are plenty of them.

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