Missing parrot

Julie Negus

Sat 3 Sep 2016, 10:50

So pleased you have her home Gill, I get some strange phone calls from mum & dad but 7:45 on a Saturday morning saying they've found a parrot is probably the best.
Thanks to your post here we were able to reunite Dory quickly, hope she has a less eventful day. X

Gill Begnor

Sat 3 Sep 2016, 10:07

Ha ha - thanks for that John :-) Well I'm pleased to report that one very cold, tired, hungry and cuddly parrot has come home to roost! Many thanks to all the lovely people of Charlbury who have helped to look for her - it's made me very grateful to live here. A special big thank you to Carol and Robert (aka Dr Dolittle) for catching her when she landed in their garden this morning :-) :-)

john h

Fri 2 Sep 2016, 15:31

Glad she is not a Norweigian Blue!!!!

Gill Begnor

Fri 2 Sep 2016, 12:59

Dory is still missing :-( Please look out for her - and please call me rather than Emma if you see her (07855 807005) You might also hear her - she can be quite vocal and has a wide range of sounds. So if you hear a dog barking in a tree, that is probably her! Also wolf whistles, police sirens, 'hello', 'Dory Dory Dory', 'Oy NO!' and 'Oh b*gger' are all favourites at the moment! Thank you.

Emma Begnor

Wed 31 Aug 2016, 21:38

Tonight our African grey parrot has gone missing, she's grey all over with a bright red tail and responds to the name Dory. If anyone sees anything please give me a call on 07565666433, and the owners email is emmabegnor@gmail.com. Thank you very much!

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