Woodstock Road development

graham W

Wed 16 Nov 2016, 20:59 (last edited on Wed 16 Nov 2016, 21:28)

Whenever a new development comes out it seems that there is always objections. When I came up here in 1980 the houses in the Elm Crescent, The Green, Rochester Place Lees area (Little, Close, and Heights)etc were quite new then, was there any objections then? Many people are concerned about immigration but where do they all live? I accept that plans need to put forward to minimalise impact and that the local infrastructure is to improve. But surely we need accept this town has grown from nowhere to where we are in 2 millennia and will continue to grow!

Peter Bennett

Sat 12 Nov 2016, 17:57

Having been at the planning meeting on the 7th, it was very clear that the council want to go ahead with this development. I spoke against it mainly on the grounds of the loss of the play area and Andy Graham put forward what seemed to be a very strong case against, also focussing on the play area. The council are arguing that as there is now no play equipment, it is a former play area, ignoring the fact that local children do still play there. They are also indicating that perhaps because it is now owned by Cottsway, it is private land for them to use as they will. The minutes for the meeting are now on the WODC web site and show that the planners have deferred a decision pending enquiries as to 'the status of the land and the date at which the (former play) equipment was removed'. It is too bad that meanwhile Cottsway are giving you the runaround, Kerri.

Kerri Steer

Fri 11 Nov 2016, 22:08

I live in one of the houses proposed for demolition. I finally (after chasing Cottsway for the third/fourth time), found out today the planning permission has been deferred until they find out when the play equipment was demolished. They have been awful at keeping us informed and told us they would need to rehouse us by November and then made no contact, until prompted, since early September. They confirmed they have been in contact with our neighbour and just assumed that they would keep us informed. I am thoroughly grateful for the roof above our heads, but at the same time would appreciate them keeping us in the loop. We were also not informed that there was a meeting in Charlbury about the planning proposals a few months back.

Miles Walkden

Sun 2 Oct 2016, 12:38

What are the objections to this development?

Mark Sulik

Sun 2 Oct 2016, 10:12

What , if any, are the developments with this application.

Andy Graham

Tue 16 Aug 2016, 17:27

Mrs Brain from Sturt Close is distributing flyers to go up tomorrow and Thursday now that I have had confirmation of the fire station being available.
Some people will miss it because of holidays but there will always be a reason not to have a meeting and then let people know what happened. I am sure there will be enough people there to do what is best in that regard.

Pearl Manners

Mon 15 Aug 2016, 12:37

Yes that's from the gentleman that came round yesterday Christine. He did very well then.

Christine Battersby

Mon 15 Aug 2016, 12:27 (last edited on Mon 15 Aug 2016, 12:30)

I am pleased that notices will go up, since the people I talked to don't use the internet or email at all. A lot of people still don't! They had had some difficulties in contacting Andy by phone, using a number printed on a leaflet which they said did not work.

Good that a date is being fixed; but this is the last week of the school holidays so I do wonder whether families with children are likely to be around at that time.

PS: I see that a statement about the petition (with 130 signatures) is now showing up online.

Andy Graham

Mon 15 Aug 2016, 10:27

I had been waiting for residents to come back to me to let me know when they wanted the residents meeting as i agreed to facitate it to enable it to happen. I have been away for a week but am now back! The meeting is provisionally set to be at 6pm on Thursday 25th August at the fire station and notices will be posted later today and tomorrow. I am just awaiting confirmation from the fire station organisers today.
I am on the planning committee. I am not allowed to express my views until the meeting itself but i am keen that everyone is given every opportunity to express their views, present their petitions,send in their comments so a decision can be made based on full facts and planning considerations. Be assured nothing will be nodded through.
I have been assured by officers that late representations will be accepted as has happened in many other applications but obviously the sooner the better.

Peter Bennett

Mon 15 Aug 2016, 08:14

Good to hear there is a petition, and hope it gets to Woodstock Road before Thursday. Individual responses probably count for more, though. Otherwise, like Christine, we fear it will be nodded through without objective discussion.
I should have included the link to the application, here it is now:

Pearl Manners

Sun 14 Aug 2016, 19:03

There has also been someone round today asking for signatures with regard to loss of children's play area.

Christine Battersby

Sun 14 Aug 2016, 18:23 (last edited on Sun 14 Aug 2016, 18:24)

I understood from two people who live in Sturt Road that they & a number of their neighbours had signed a petition against the proposed development. They said that they had signed it quite some time ago, but it is not yet showing up as a document online, at least as far as I can see.

I'm not sure whether that is because they have not yet handed the petition in. Perhaps also it is because they were still waiting for the meeting about this development that Andy Graham promised (see news July 26th). When I talked to them (on August 6th) they were still trying to get in touch with Andy Graham.

Others who live not very far away were in favour of the development, so clearly views are mixed. I just hope it gets a fair discussion & isn't just nodded through. I thought the comments by the Playing Fields Association made a very strong point.

Peter Bennett

Sun 14 Aug 2016, 14:04

A reminder that the last day for comments and objections to the plans for 13 houses in Woodstock Road and on the playground behind Sturt Close (16/02306/FUL) is this Thursday, the 18th.
There have been some comments and objections already, but given the impact this development will have more would be welcome.

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