Charlbury Beer Festival on Witney TV

Tanya Stevenson

Fri 17 Jun 2016, 10:05

Love it! And I think the Beer Festival chaps should be prevailed upon to do their own version of "Rawhide" at the Variety Show in November! You'd be good at that and have plenty of time to learn it??
I'm looking forward to the Beer Festival - it's a great day.

Wendy Bailey

Wed 15 Jun 2016, 16:23

Like button. The dedication and (or eccentricity ) sums the great day up.I agree with other posting. Well done.

Phil Morgan

Tue 14 Jun 2016, 11:41

Well done Nick and co. I admire your unscripted natural talent on camera. Obviously a talent that Charlbury might want to use in future promotional work.

Edward Fenton

Mon 13 Jun 2016, 12:13

Well done to the members of the Charlbury Beer Festival committee who braved yesterday's rain to promote this year's Festival, which is taking place on Saturday 25 June (and when the weather is due to be beautiful). They didn't set out to perform 'The Tempest', but that's rather how it turned out - see

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