
Miles Walkden

Fri 22 Apr 2016, 08:32

James - you obviously know a better caliber of cyclist than I do.

stephen cavell

Fri 22 Apr 2016, 07:53

When I was a boy my mother used to get me to follow the milkman's round with pony and trap until I was able to collect a bucket full of horse manure!(I later took to following the brewer's drey!!) I don't know the detail of today's Highway Code but when I passed my test horses had right of way no question.

James Styring

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 16:47

I realise that some drivers feel aggrieved when horse riders ride two abreast but if you think about it, it shouldn't make any difference whether horse riders - or cyclists for that matter - ride side-by-side. You still need to slow down and overtake them using the other side of the road when you pass them.
I guess there's one difference - cyclists don't poo in the road.

Suzy M-H

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 15:38

Also as horses only eat grass, their poo doesn't smell so bad! I think they ride two abreast if one of the horses is a bit jittery with traffic, not necessarily that they're being inconsiderate. That's my guess anyway.

Peter Bridgman

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 10:45

I have no particular liking for horse riders. especially those that insist on riding two abreast on our narrow local roads, but there is a big difference between Dogs mess and horse droppings. Dogs mess is usually on sidewalks where it stick firmly to shoes and wheelchairs and stinks appallingly. Horse droppings are usually on roads where they are easily seen and avoided and actually, doesn't smell too bad at all! Also, do we really want our riders to have to constantly look behind them to see what their horse is doing and then to dismount, armed with shovel and large bag to collect it up whilst trying to keep their horse under control??!!

Miles Walkden

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 09:23

Country living is Hell, isn't it?

Leah Fowler

Wed 20 Apr 2016, 22:47

Collect it for your roses

Charlie Peacock

Wed 20 Apr 2016, 21:06

Dog owners are always and rightly criticized for allowing their dogs to poo around the town and not do the decent thing and clear away the mess.
Horse riders seem to think they have the right to allow their horses to do the same and quite happily ignore the steaming piles left behind.
I hope that the owners of the two horses who left the mess on Fiveways Corners at 9.10am today and then trotted off in the direction of Stonesfield Lane take note. a

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