Charlbury Notice Boards

chris emsden

Sat 16 Apr 2016, 21:29

My Mother who is 90 years old, got off the Bus the other day at the Enstone Road stop at the top of 9 acres, as she walked away from the stop she felt a sharp pain in the bottom of her left foot, it was pouring with rain & very cold & she was carrying a shopping bag, she can't really bend down nowadays so couldn't reach down to feel or remove her shoe, & her eyesight isn't what it once was to try & see what was causing the pain, so being the Trooper that she is she hobbled home. When she got indoors & sat down she removed her shoe to find 1 of the larger size of drawing-pins had gone through the bottom of her shoe into her foot! This pin was no doubt off the Notice Board at the Bus Stop, maybe it had blown off when a notice had blown off the board, or maybe some 'person' thought it was funny to throw it on the ground, whatever the reason could we all keep an eye out for this hazard around the Notice boards of Charlbury, as it could be another elderly person/young child/animal etc next time, not just causing injury/pain but possibly even an infection!

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