Stand for what you believe in - be a Town councillor.

Tony H Merry

Sat 2 Apr 2016, 09:26

I think this Forum shows that many people in Charlbury have definite views about what matters in our neighbourhood If you are one of those people then you should consider standing as a Town Councillor.
All 12 councillors are up for re-election this year and several will not be standing for another term but do you realise there is only an election if more than 12 nominations are received by 7th April so there is not much time left!
We need a real cross section for the council to function effectively and to be really representative of everyone in the Town.

You will need nomination papers which are available from the Town Clerk (Roger Clark 9 Hill Close) who can also advise on what being a councillor means.
Traditionally there are no political parties on the Town Council and we all stand as independent candidates.
The main thing is to have a strong interest in the Town and a commitment to serve the community but apart from that no previous experience or qualifications are required

If you are interested in this then you can contact any of the current councillors who would be happy to discuss this or look at this web site

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