Car damage on Park St - see/hear anything?

Matthew Greenfield

Tue 8 Mar 2016, 21:40

Thanks Ali. Yes, it was not a full on collision but the car is most likely a right-off. From the evidence the offending vehicle was most likely bright green!

Ali Ross

Tue 8 Mar 2016, 11:28

Heard a loud noise, Matthew, but I was in the attic and didn't get a view. It didn't sound like a crash, to be honest, but it certainly could have been a glancing blow from something heavy.

Matthew Greenfield

Mon 7 Mar 2016, 15:23

Some friends parked their Ford Fiesta on Park St on Monday morning (7th March) and came back to find the whole side of the car damaged to such an extent that it was un-drivable. This happened between 10.30 and 11.30am and it must have made quite a noise. Their car was parked well into the side of the road with plenty of space to pass. From the damage it looked like the vehicle that caused the collision was going uphill into town. Needless to say, they did not leave a note...

It's a long shot but if you did see or hear anything around that time please let me know through this website.

Many thanks,

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