What a load of rubbish

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 11 Mar 2016, 17:05

Small plastic bottles of water are not needed at all and are a menace. If you get an empty drinking bottle and fill it up with tap water (that you have paid for already) you are doing the environment a big favour, and saving money. I think it would be great to follow that German example, Grahame.

Grahame Ockleston

Wed 9 Mar 2016, 09:16

Maybe a bit radical
In Norway drinks cans have a refundable deposit, also in British Columbia.
The Germans have not had disposable drinks containers for years, all bottles, including plastic are not only returnable but reusable.
Maybe a step too far for us Brits ??

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Tue 8 Mar 2016, 20:54

Its a national problem. I had the misfortune to have to drive a large section of the A34 and A303 this past weekend and I was shocked at the amount of litter in the verges. It reminded me of time spent in a number of third world countries in places...

We consume vast quantities of over packaged product in this country. My particular hate is the consumption of water in plastic bottles. We have no need for it here. We have reusable containers and perfectly acceptable drinking water in the UK yet we consume and discard it without thought to where it ends up. The bottles scatter wide and far and cause problems for 10s if not 100s of years. There should be a tax on it... Grrrrr.

chris emsden

Tue 8 Mar 2016, 19:50

Sadly this is another of the many faults we now have in society! There is no other reason for the rubbish than the people that drop it are selfish & lazy, these people have no self-respect, so it's hardly surprising that they haven't any respect for others or their surroundings. I have again this weekend nearly filled a carrier bag with rubbish picked up just in Woody Lane, 1 of the items was a Costa coffee take away cup, the nearest Costa is Witney I think, so someone has bought this with them, walked up the Lane & thrown it in the bush, there is a bin at the bottom of Woody Lane that they have walked past going up or down! Unfortunately some people do not deserve a lovely place like Charlbury to live, or such beautiful Countryside to walk in!

[Edited slightly to remove insults - please be temperate in your language on this board, no matter how angry you might be! You can use the Grease Pit if you want to let off steam --Richard]

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 8 Mar 2016, 08:43

Well sad Nick. We can't make it compulsory (!) but at least it would be an opportunity. That's why I suggested that town councillors set an example and we could join them. But silence on that front. Someone did message me privately, but that's as far as it went.

Julie Penny

Mon 7 Mar 2016, 20:02

Very sadly there is rubbish lying in the verges and ditches that appears every year when the undergrowth is cut down. I always have a pocket full of plastic bags (along with dog poo bags) and bring back whatever I find each day when I walk the public footpaths and tracks. However, along the Salt Way for instance over the years people have obviously dumped multiple bags of plastic and glass bottles, it would take more than a few carrier bags to bring it all back to recycle. Seem to have a permanent line open to WODC fly tipping line, and over the past month have had to report dumped tyres, and multiple bags of rubbish all on the Salt Way. Have also been approached by cyclists as I return to my car with the dogs to take their empty bottles home which I have done, but wonder if I didn't offer to take them whether they would take them home again.

Nick Johnson

Mon 7 Mar 2016, 16:13

Here in Rwanda(back on Sunday), on the morning of the last Saturday of the month, every citizen is required to participate in Umuganda- compulsory cleaning up of the environment. Result is that Rwanda is the cleanest country in Africa and possibly the world. Shall we try it?!

Rosemary Bennett

Mon 7 Mar 2016, 12:11

Thank goodness for a voice of reason, Phil. I agree with you.

Phil Morgan

Mon 7 Mar 2016, 10:36 (last edited on Mon 7 Mar 2016, 10:37)

Hum; "pride in the job" Charlie? Perhaps not very likely when you are starting before dawn in the wet and cold on a minimum wage job.
Lots of high winds recently. Stuff is flying around from the boxes long before the recyclers ever get to the kerb. Bit of compassion maybe?

Charlie M

Sun 6 Mar 2016, 11:31

I think it's the recycling collectors rather than the actual waste collectors; a few weeks ago I happened to catch them just after collecting my recycling bin, and could see two items that I had recycled lying in my garden. I opened a window and called to them to come and pick it up ... which they did NOT do, instead returning my recycling box to my front door.
A "DUH moment", I fear ... they seem to have absolutely no pride whatsoever in leaving us with a clean neighbourhood, rather typical of standards across a variety of fronts since services were farmed out to private enterprise.

Leah Fowler

Sat 5 Mar 2016, 16:09

Have just come thru Cumnor where there was a rubbish pick up taking place, lots of people involved.

Jean Adams

Sat 5 Mar 2016, 14:42

it is certainly not my rubbish. We recycle carefully and the space outside the house is left clean and tidy after the Bin men have been. Most obviously the rubbish in the verges on Fawler/Charlbury road is from an unsecured waste lorry. It is for them to clear it up. We regularly have fast food containers thrown on our verge or into the driveway as people approach Fiveways, but this is not the litter in the verges of which we write.I certainly would not ask our Councillors to clear this mess.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 5 Mar 2016, 14:01

Perhaps our twelve town councillors would like to set an example and arrange a rubbish clearance day, when they all turn out to help. I will gladly do my bit: just tell me the time and place(s).

Claire Wilding

Fri 4 Mar 2016, 21:48 (last edited on Fri 4 Mar 2016, 21:49)

I'm sure it isn't Charlbury residents doing it Grahame, it's probably people from Witney.

Grahame Ockleston

Fri 4 Mar 2016, 11:25

The point that I was trying to make was, the mess is of our own making, maybe we should think twice before chucking it out of the window.
It's our rubbish, it's up to us to dispose of it responsibly, rather than rely on someone else to clear up after us.

russell robson

Thu 3 Mar 2016, 21:21

At this time of year vegetation is at its lowest hence all the %$£" we produce is more visible. The muted colours of the late winter countryside beautifully contrast with our Sainsbury's bags and fast food packaging. Don't worry Miles it's always been this bad. And we can't just blame May Gurney.

However I would like to know what WODC are going to do about it!? Now the kites eat the road kill perhaps teams of badger with bin bags? Though their road sense might make this problematic.

Miles Walkden

Thu 3 Mar 2016, 19:03

I don't know if i just never noticed before, but there really is litter everywhere. My interest was if this was a new thing - i.e. has something changed recently as far as clearing verges?

Liz Leffman

Thu 3 Mar 2016, 18:04

Actually I think Andy Graham was going to do that - I will check his plans

Grahame Ockleston

Thu 3 Mar 2016, 13:20

There may have been an inadvertent spill, however, most of the verges on the approaches to Charlbury are a disgrace, most of the time. We make the mess, should we expect the local council to clear it up ?
Is anyone organising a 'Clean for the Queen'??

Liz Leffman

Thu 3 Mar 2016, 08:40

In the past lorries have scattered waste as they have not been properly secured and this may be what has happened recently. I'm driving to Witney today so I'll have a look and see if we need to get WODC out to clear it

Mark Purcell

Wed 2 Mar 2016, 23:11

There was loads along the road from Charlbury to Chippy on Saturday. Is it something to do with refuse collecting? The stuff in the hedgerows looked like household waste blown off a lorry, not fly-tipping.

Miles Walkden

Wed 2 Mar 2016, 21:58

I noticed, when driving from Charlbury to Witney, how much litter there was by the road. is this a new thing? has something changed, or am i just noticing it now?

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