Particularly good night sky

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 27 Feb 2016, 09:16

There's a great free app for iOS called Night Sky. Found me Jupiter beside the moon this week.

Chris Sharpe

Thu 25 Feb 2016, 23:10

If anyone's interested, at about 30 seconds after 6.02pm on Saturday night (Feb 27th) there will be an Iridium Flare (a brief reflection of sunlight from the solar panels on one of the Iridium satellites) which will just last a few seconds. It will start at 65 degrees up in the north sky (quite high up) and move south. It looks like a small fast-moving star so quite easy to miss, but if it's a clear sky then easy to see.

john h

Thu 11 Feb 2016, 15:31

Also excellant view of the I. S. S at 7pm last night

Kate Smith

Thu 11 Feb 2016, 10:36

If you've got a smart phone there's a brilliant (I think) app called Planets which lines you up with exactly what you're looking at - last night was perfect for novices like me to see both the stars and the screen together and learn the names of constellations; makes it much more interesting!

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Wed 10 Feb 2016, 22:20

Awesome.... thanks for the reminder!

Leah Fowler

Wed 10 Feb 2016, 21:19

Wonderful view of many constellations

Stephen Andrews

Wed 10 Feb 2016, 20:29

Pop out and have a look.

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