Dog hit by car

chris emsden

Wed 20 Jan 2016, 19:17

I was coming home from work in the dark a couple of months ago, coming across from The Marlborough, I saw something in the road ahead, as I got closer I could see it was a Deer, I stopped & the Deer was dead, with bits of car spoiler/plastic etc layed all over the road, I dragged the Deer off the road onto the verge & while clearing up the plastic etc cars were zooming
past hardly slowing down most of them, another car did stop eventually & reversed up to mine so we had our headlights on lighting up the scene, we just finished clearing up the road & a 4X4 pulling a horsebox came along flashing his lights & slowed down as they passed, the Cretin sat in the passenger seat opened his window & shouted "What are you doing, get out of the way!" The other chap & I just looked at each other, I can't put on here what my reply was!!! Obviously what could have happened to them or the horse they were carrying if they had hit the fallen Deer or swerved to avoid it didn't occur to them, but this is the type of Moron we have living round here! Unbelievable!

Romaine Schmidt

Wed 20 Jan 2016, 08:07

Well said Chris... Wild animals such as deer tend to be active at dawn & dusk moving to new pastures so it is advisable to check ones' speed at these times. This winter I have see three large deer (on separate occasions) slowly dying in the road as they hadn't been hit hard enough to be killed outright. They were sitting up alert, fighting for life but without a hope. Luckily police had been called

chris emsden

Sat 16 Jan 2016, 19:08

Yes that was it, drove past today too, such a shame, such beautiful animals! I know you can't always see them when they run out, but you can increase your chances, & theirs by driving slower, not saying this was the case here, but the speeds some people drive around these roads/lanes is quite frankly ridiculous & irresponsible. With over 30 years as a professional HGV driver I have seen some horrendous crashes, but sadly so many are caused by human error & stupidity. You hit a deer & if you are lucky, you will only have minor damage to your car, it could even be written off, you may even end up head-on into a tree, or on your roof 100 yards out into a field, & you will almost certainly kill the animal, be it instant or it may lay by the side of the road & take hours to die a slow painful death! Is it really worth it to (hopefully) get home 2mins earlier?

Katrina Ross

Sat 16 Jan 2016, 16:53

Drove past this afternoon and there is a dead deer by the side of the road, I assume that was it not a dog.


Sat 16 Jan 2016, 11:31

I think that lady that put that on wasn't sure if it was a dog or a deer

chris emsden

Fri 15 Jan 2016, 22:54

I thought it was a Deer as well, but my wife saw someone had posted on Facebook that it was a dog!


Fri 15 Jan 2016, 21:37

It was still on the side off the road when I came bast at 7pm I thought was a dear it was big

chris emsden

Fri 15 Jan 2016, 21:27

Does anyone know what happened to the dog that was hit by a car down by Fawler Mill this evening? Cars had stopped when I came past about 6pm this evening, they had lifted the dog onto the verge & a couple of women were knelt down with it!

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