Walkers are Welcome Charllbury

Peter Kenrick

Sun 20 Dec 2015, 20:11

Also to support local businesses (shops, cafes, pubs etc) by attracting more people into the town. To help with this objective, if anyone representing a local business has any suggetions and would like to join us they would be most welcome.

Tony H Merry

Sun 20 Dec 2015, 15:01

Walkers are Welcome is a national scheme with the aims set out below. Charlbury was the first Town to join the scheme in this area but we really need new members of our committee to help. We need to plan more walks, put up waymarkers and help plan future events.
This is not a very time consuming task and you can chose to do as much or as little as you want. We only hold about 4 committee meetings per year and there is no commitment.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd December at 8.00 in the Rose and Crown so why not come along and see what we do and maybe give us some new ideas
We would particularly like to have ideas for short walks around Charlbury
The aims of Walkers are Welcome are ;
To make places attractive destinations for walkers with top quality information on local walks
Offer local people and visitors excellent walking opportunities within their areas
Ensure that footpaths and facilities for walkers are maintained, improved and well signposted
Contribute to local tourism plans and regeneration strategies
Promote the health benefits of walking and increase participation
Encourage the use of public transport

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