ENDS Report, and other Env and Econ journals, anyone? (Debate)

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 26 Jul 2005, 10:16

I'm really missing not having access to a uni library nowadays and getting out of touch. Does anyone subscribe locally to ENDS and other stuff that I could borrow back issues of so my already shrivelled intellect doesn't completely shrink to the consistency of a pickled gherkin?

Would it be an idea if we could set up a "Charlbury Information Exchange" whereby the resources that come into this town (there must be a lot of academics and well-heeled people around here who sub to a range of journals) can make back issues available, say a room in a building somewhere?

Just wunnerin'

(We did something reasonably successful in Brighton back in the early 70s along this line - the "Street Library" for stuff which wasn't easily accessible from the public library for people in the city).

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