global warming (Debate)

ken jones

Fri 26 Sep 2008, 20:03

you are not going to roast chris you are going to freeze your balls off in charlbury

Chris Tatton

Tue 23 Sep 2008, 21:22

Wot like we had when the dinosaurs were last here!?!

ivan krechov

Thu 29 Mar 2007, 19:51

chris or gerry on the chipping norton web site i cant wait for long hot summers like we used to have a few thousand years ago

Chris Tatton

Sun 25 Mar 2007, 18:38

Nice try Ivan.
But as Independent newspaper, amomg many others have since observed.."A Channel 4 documentary claimed that climate change was a conspiratorial lie. But an analysis of the evidence it used shows the film itself was riddled with distortions and errors...
The Great Global Warming Swindle, was based on graphs that were distorted, mislabelled or just plain wrong. The graphs were nevertheless used to attack the credibility and honesty of climate scientists"

No way can we continue emitting carbon and other gasses in such excessive quantities without it affecting the planet. Hope the summer isn't too hot for you this year Ivan!

ivan krechov

Sun 18 Mar 2007, 13:18

chris watch the program on channel 4 the global warming rip off

Chris Tatton

Sat 20 Jan 2007, 19:22

The scientists reckon we have still got 10 to 15 years to turn things round. If we don't we will be beyond the stage of no return.

The new low carbon technologies could create loads of jobs and wealth, as well as attempting to save the planet.

Suggest you see a copy of the film "Inconvenient truth", to see the problem the human race has unleashed on the planet and some of the possible and positive solutions.

ivan krechov

Sat 20 Jan 2007, 16:01

chris george bush knows the score so does every body else who is not living in eco friendly cuckoo land. get a life open your eyes this is a fact that you can do nothing about. birds mating in december three months early. there is a wood shortage in the uk because it is being shipt to china.they are harvesting thousands of acres of trees every day and they are not being replanted.these are facts not warming is a way of life get used to it.get yourself a windmill at the bottom of your garden and it will all go away.

Chris Tatton

Fri 19 Jan 2007, 17:06

It must be of a comfit to you that some of the world's intellectuals agree with your view point, George Bush comes to mind!

ivan krechov

Wed 17 Jan 2007, 19:17

will recyclng help stop global warming? answer no. will putting a windmill at the bottom of your garden help answer no. does spending money on light bulbs that cost three times as much as a normal one answer warming can not be stopped it is a is going to get worse in the next twelve months believe me. this eco friendly thing is an excuse by unscrupulus people to cash in on easily led frightened people.wake up use your eyes its here to stay you can not postpone the inevitable. ivan krechov residing in a small village called glympton.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 12 Jan 2007, 11:19

Geoff - I moved it to 'off-topic' because it doesn't have any specific Charlbury relevance. Besides, I suspect Ivan Krechov is not really from "the Soviet Union" as claimed - the fact he's posting from BT Internet is a bit of a giveaway - but rather, from Wales...

Geoff Belcher

Mon 8 Jan 2007, 17:11

Hi Ivan
Not sure why you have been sent to the off topic forum,cant think of anything more topical than global warming.
I agree with your statement, but perhaps all the enviromentalist do not want to discuss this point of view!!!!

ivan krechov

Sun 7 Jan 2007, 14:13

is global warmiing man made or is the planet just doing what it has always done over millions of years. changing dr david bellamy does not agree with man made global warming that is why he has been dropped by the bbc. i worked in a coal fired power station for fifteen years and the generators are running at full capacity at all can use less energy at home it makes no difference the coal to the power station is belt fed and does not change on consummer demand. therefor you are saving yoursef money but you are not saving the planet.

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