OCC closure of children's centres

Helen Chapman

Thu 19 Nov 2015, 21:07

Signed and shared on facebook. The children's centre in Kidlington was wonderful when I found things hard after my first child was born.

Suzy M-H

Thu 19 Nov 2015, 12:58

I remember from when my children were little what a fantastic resource the Ace Centre in Chippy and Donnington Doorstep in Oxford were, a lifesaver for some. It would be criminal if these centres are shut.

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Thu 19 Nov 2015, 12:36

Hello all,

The county council plans to stop funding all 44 OCC children's centres in the county, replacing them with only 6 special new centres which are aimed specifically & only at stopping existing abuse and neglect, rather than any kind of prevention & universal services.

The link below has various resources to protest against this, including a link to the petition, and a zip file of docs for responding to the consultation before the deadline in Jan. Please do this if you can. These closures will affect many of the most vulnerable children in the county.

(For those who don't know, our nearest centre in Chipping Norton, and is used by Charlbury families.)


Many thanks,


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