Apples wanted - any condition

Tony H Merry

Sat 15 Oct 2016, 20:30

Any old apples any old apples any any old apples

Still looking for more apples for cider
As before any condition is fine especially windfalls
Just let me knowc and I will collect/pick them

Miranda Higham

Sun 22 Nov 2015, 18:42

I just wanted to say a big thank you for all the beautiful apples that have been gathered and freely gifted over the autumn. I've eaten apples every day. Oh, and I was also persuaded today to take bletted medlars and quinces home today. I made chocolate and medlar cake - delicious. And cooked thin slices of quince with apple. I just need a Runcible spoon now.

Christine Elliott

Tue 8 Sep 2015, 10:52 (last edited on Tue 8 Sep 2015, 10:57)

The first Big Apple Take-Away is this coming Sunday afternoon, there will be picked Worcesters, James Grieve, Discovery and others. Please contact me if you would like any spare apples picked and distributed, but please let me know when they are ripe and starting to fall. Throughout the autumn I am also making cider from windfalls for next year's festivals - this year I want to make over 50 gallons - so please let me know of windfalls that I can collect or phone 01608 811057. More information.

Tony H Merry

Sat 5 Sep 2015, 23:20

Thanks everyone I am away next week but will still be interested in more apples and will contact you all when I return You may also bring apples along to the Big Apple Take-Awayon the Playing Close by the Green Hub - watch the news on this web site for details

Graham Chamberlain

Sat 5 Sep 2015, 17:25

Windfall Lord Lambourn and Ashmeads Kernel available if you still want them. 810911

Helen Bessemer-Clark

Sat 5 Sep 2015, 15:58

Lots of fallen apples - and crab apples at Spring Cottage, too if you would like to come and scrabble. Ring 810914. Helen BC

Liz Maughn

Mon 31 Aug 2015, 14:38

Tony, we have James Grieve apples and you are welcome to come and get some. 811977

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sat 29 Aug 2015, 23:01

Tony, we have a tree laden with cooking apples which you are very welcome to come and get. Don't think they will all be ripe until September but there are a lot of windfalls. 810861

Michael Flanagan

Sat 29 Aug 2015, 13:38

You'd be doing me a huge favour by picking up my ripe-tasting, but often undersized, windfalls


Peter Bridgman

Sat 29 Aug 2015, 09:59

I have a tree laden with 'Golden Delicious' apples, but they will not be ripe for at least another 6 weeks. 810184

Tony H Merry

Fri 28 Aug 2015, 20:25

Does anyone out there have any apples - windfalls or partially wasp eaten OK as I want to make a batch of cider and I am short of apples

As I say almost any condition and I will collect

It does not matter what variety of apples either so cooker or eaters


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