White fungus on Apple tree boughs.

Valou Pakenham-Walsh

Thu 2 Jul 2015, 10:47

Or do nothing, and let the woodpeckers clear it. This is what happens for our apple tree every year.

Jean Adams

Wed 1 Jul 2015, 23:29

Thank you Robin
I will try pressure washing.

Robin Taylor

Wed 1 Jul 2015, 22:55

I suspect it's not a fungus, but Wooly Aphid. You can get rid of it,by washing it off with soapy water, or pressure washing it, according to google! I had to look it up, we've got some on one of our apple trees. It's impervious to insecticide, because of the wooly protection, so don't be tempted to spray!

Jean Adams

Wed 1 Jul 2015, 20:54

Is this stress due to the heat today? It was not there yesterday. it has affected three trees.

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