Loud Bangs

Mary Humphries

Fri 26 Jun 2015, 18:39

We were there! The film crew for the fourth series of BBC's 'Father Brown' were in the grounds of Cornbury Park on Monday. As Grahame and I hosted the first series in Blockley Vicarage and Church we get the chance to see the cast \and crew each year. The Cornbury filming involved a police car chase [1950's style] ending with a loud explosion and fatal crash. Pleased to report that after two takes and two lots of explosions cast and cars were still intact!

Heather Williams

Tue 23 Jun 2015, 07:37

Father Brown is filmed at Blockley so location could have moved.

Liz Reason

Tue 23 Jun 2015, 07:28

Apparently there was filming of a TV programme with 'Brown' in the title - Rev Brown or something?

john h

Mon 22 Jun 2015, 18:44

Are they bombing Cornbury as there are some loud bangs coming from there,or is it His Lordship speed testing his light aircraft and hitting mach1!!!

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