Co-op and customer parking

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 6 Jun 2015, 13:35

The other day I was (driving) turning right out of Pooles Lane (to go past the Co-op) on my left. There was a large commercial white van parked in the disabled bay. As I edged my way past the van, a boy of about 8yrs ran out in front of me without looking. My view had been completely blocked so it was impossible for me to see him before he was right in front of me. Fortunately for him, and for me, I was driving extremely slowly, and he was running fast. The scenario could have been very different and on that occasion we just got lucky, that's all.
I'm flagging this up now because it would be so much safer for everyone if that parking slot be moved down a car length, and the corner itself become no parking. The disabled bay is not always respected and I've seen all sorts of vehicles parked there, some of which should not have been there at all.
I am so glad that the boy made it to the other side of the road. A family didn't lose a child that day, and I did not become a killer, but it was a very near thing.

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