Preschool dance class?

Stephen Andrews

Tue 2 Jun 2015, 09:22

Not a suggestion for a class, but the new Green Room at the back of the Memorial Hall would a Fab-u-lous venue for any new or existing class. Pop in and have a look this Sunday when the rooms are on show and Open Garden teas are being served.

Liz Soar

Mon 1 Jun 2015, 21:34

Many thanks for all the suggestions.

Angela Moore

Mon 1 Jun 2015, 13:30

We go to Miss Ford in Great Tew on Friday afternoons. She is fabulous. Hoping to persuade her to come back to Charlbury.

Helen Chapman

Tue 26 May 2015, 16:12

Little Monkeys have "Tina dance" on a Thursday morning, but not sure if Tina runs classes for preschoolers otherwise.

Miles Walkden

Tue 26 May 2015, 09:40

Our 4 year old goes to Jill Stew in Witney, along with her big sister.

Liz Soar

Sat 23 May 2015, 08:49

Can anyone recommend a local dance class suitable for a 3 year old? A ballet class for toddlers would be perfect, but pretty much anything involving music and movement/general leaping around would be great. (Am typing this as my daughter charges around the living room in a tutu). Thanks in advance.

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