Road sensor trial - see news item

stephen cavell

Thu 2 Apr 2015, 07:01

This is an invasion of my privacy. I do not think that the health of my tappets should be up for all to view. The Town Council should be looking into this. Hrmpph.

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Wed 1 Apr 2015, 19:54

I'm sure modern equipment is much better... looking forward to my doctor being able to measure my blood pressure and heart rate while I sit in the car park at the co-op. Will never need to visit again :)

Tony Graeme

Wed 1 Apr 2015, 18:08

As if I would do such a thing, Simon.
The point is that the new equipment is much more than just a speed detector. Latest electronics combined with modulated Wi-Fi allows much more information to be measured, transmitted and recorded.
I am pleased to see that such an eminent figure as Prof Liola has become involved. Perhaps we should invite him to present the results in person next year in the Memorial Hall.

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Wed 1 Apr 2015, 17:37

Do I detect an April fools joke?

"We are very excited about this new equipment as there are almost no limits to its potential: measurement of a driver's heart rate and blood pressure, for instance, could give new insight into the prevention of road rage".

How on earth can a vehicle speed detector do that!?!

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