There's a train comin'

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 17 Mar 2015, 14:19

Funny where things are made. These trains are manufactured in Japan and assembled here. Dyson used to make his vacuum cleaners in Malmesbury but now makes them in Malaysia. The German firm Miele, who make better cleaners than Dyson, make theirs in... Germany.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 12 Mar 2015, 14:38

I think that's probably the New Measurement Train aka the Flying Banana - .

Rob Stepney

Thu 12 Mar 2015, 14:11

Yesterday afternoon,I saw a yellow (possibly slightly orange)train coming down the valley from the Kingham direction. I assume it was not a phantom, but certainly unusual.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 12 Mar 2015, 14:09

It remains to be seen whether one or two HSTs are retained for the peak service on the Cotswold Line. I wouldn't bet against it!

Ali Ross

Thu 12 Mar 2015, 12:49

Who's looking forward to the arrival of modern train travel on the Cotswold line (and who'll shed a tear for the passing of the dear old 125)?

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