Charlbury Co-op - The Unhealthy Choice

Deborah Longshaw

Sat 7 Mar 2015, 09:54

Thank you Tony, I most certainly will do! By the way, I am very much looking forward to the afore-mentioned development of The Playing Close, along with Enstone crossroads ;-p

Tony H Merry

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 20:14

Oh dear Deborah
Just realise that I mistook posting to confidential messaging
Will certainly watch this in future thanks.
Just look at the planning applications for full details
By the way watch out for our information boards at the Coop
They will be in the alcoves so you will not even need to go in the shop!

Deborah Longshaw

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 17:00

Help!!! Methinks my thread has been hijacked!! Can I suggest that the Councillors & Town Planners please start their own thread & politely remove themselves from mine. I thank you!

russell robson

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 16:47

Perhaps a orbital ring round for Charlbuy, north through the quarry and south up the riverbank, with a park and ride in the quarry

Stephen Andrews

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 13:43

Will there be (Eric) Pickles with the Whooper?

Ian Taylor

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 11:18

The only way for a hamburger roundabout to be effective is to make it a Whopper.

Ruth Williams

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 11:14

I drive through Burger stop would be good at the bottom of The Slade and could be used as "traffic calming".

Simon Walker

Fri 6 Mar 2015, 09:35

Tony - since you seem to have the inside track on this, can you enlighten us as to whether the Slade flyover has been designed to connect straight into the hamburger roundabout at the Enstone Road crossroads, or was that not considered to be a healthy option?

Tony H Merry

Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:05

Thinking about this it is a good job that the plans for the multi-storey car park on the Playing Close and the Slade flyover were not also leaked. Expensive projects for the Town and probably a bit controversial. Must keep this quiet for now until everything has been fixed!

Ruth Williams

Tue 3 Mar 2015, 17:29

As a frequent customer of the Charlbury Post Office, there is a battle there to get franked mail over the counter in the corner, where it is obstructed by sweets etc., but no that is another thread and discussion!

stephen cavell

Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:57


Tony H Merry

Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:27

Dear Russell
Glad to see you must be still really well connected but how did you find out exactly what was in the Town Council's very cunning and secret plans for the Town!

Deborah Longshaw

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:13

Russell best suggestion so far, & on that note. I shall officially draw this interesting discussion to a close, thanks to all of those who have participated. It does appear that some of our comments have already hit home, with the display of fresh local veggies outside. Hopefully also with the powers that be being bombarded by others, we may see other positive changes in the future.

russell robson

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:38

Lets close the COOP and turn it into a pub. Also if people don't want to be tempted into shops we could all shop online and turn the shops in Charlbury into low cost housing and we wouldn't need to develop on the "wrong" side of the railway line. We could turn the Corner House into the centre for EOD and then the residents wouldn't have to cross dangerous roads. At the same time we could campaign not to upgrade the bridge over the Evenlode and install a drawbridge.

Katie Ewer

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:59

Suzie- Lidl (where I do my main shop) have 'healthy' checkouts, i.e., no sweets or chocolate and they seem to be doing rather well.
I have emailed my comments to the co-op customer services email address, so we'll see what they say.

Angus B

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:10

My comment about alcohol was made simply because people had commented unfavourably about e-cigarettes being on sale near the tills whereas nobody had mentioned alcohol, the abuse of which costs our health service just as much as smoking related problems. Junk food abuse costs the NHS more even than those, I believe.

russell robson

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:42

I've seen a few temper tantrums in the Rose. And they don't sell haribos!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 09:29

This has been an interesting debate but, again, I would ask people to refrain from personal comments like "if any of you last three bother to read" or "there are those of you who are completely blind". Thank you.

Let's charitably put it down to an outburst of spring fever. (There is sun! Hooray!)

Deborah Longshaw

Mon 2 Mar 2015, 02:15 (last edited on Mon 2 Mar 2015, 02:16)

I put this post up simply because the Co-op had obviously quite suddenly become a store full of crsps, chocolates & cakes. If you any of you last 3 bother to read my initial comments you will have understood that it was not just about sweeties next to the checkout but the fact that for some reason their policy of what should sell in Charlbury had changed - for the worse, & I had based that on personal experience from working there. That in this day & age to EXTEND a sweetie section is almost criminal, as is not utilising local fruit, veg & meat suppliers.
The reason why no one moans about the alcohol is I have yet to see an adult have a temper tantrum when someone tells them they cannot have their requested bottle of beer/wine (unless ofcourse they are either clearly under age or over the limit)
Yes, it probably is time to put this to bed, since quite clearly there are those of you who, in these days of the over-burgeoning waistline & the desperately over stretched NHS are completely blind to the part our Supermarkets play in this situation - I personally rate them in the same league as the tobacco companies & before I get hit by a wail of "but it is everybody's choice what they put in their bodies"! I will leave you with the thought that we were fitter & healthier before we had all this 'choice' & that with the choices our supermarkets/convenience stores provide us with comes the responsibility of educating us as to the healthiest way to use that choice.

Mark Sulik

Sun 1 Mar 2015, 21:29

I believe some of the wine comes from New Zealand , or California ........why purchase this, when you can get a local supply ! . because, we have choice to do so and its nice . I have been looking at all the negative comments posted about the co op . Remember, it is a convenience store, not a super market. We are lucky to have such a facility and , if you don't like it, don't use it.

Angus B

Sun 1 Mar 2015, 16:39

It's interesting that nobody has mentioned the amount of alcohol near the checkout.

Ruth Williams

Sun 1 Mar 2015, 16:12

I quite agree, enoughs enough.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sun 1 Mar 2015, 13:40

I really think this post should close now as Deborah you have made your point. Personally I think we are very fortunate to have such a good shop within Charlbury. I don't know of any supermarket now that does not put sweets etc near the checkout and even shops such as B & Q do so. So Richard if you are in agreement this thread should now be locked.

Deborah Longshaw

Sat 28 Feb 2015, 23:07

It is only through people power that we can instigate change. So please, please email your thoughts & feelings to the email address Jon has provided.
Having been back in a couple of times, it still does enfuriate me the large amount of crisps & snacks still around, as for the positioning of the 'e cigs' (crazy when you see that the normal ones are now hidden behind a shutter). You really couldn't cram much more into that shop if you tried!!!
Have now seen the 'Mudwalls' veggies displayed outside several times now (reassuring) & is it just me or does the fruit & veg section seem to be better maintained? Now if we could just persuade them to replace the sweets section with the fruit & Veggies, all would be well.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 28 Feb 2015, 22:45

So have you made your views known in the complaints book, and have you emailed the customer services people? It's still !

Katie Ewer

Sat 28 Feb 2015, 15:24

Absolutely not! I can't think of anything less appropriate. And I had the usual battle with my kids today, waiting in the (very long) queue with the wall of sweets and chocolate next to us. I have no problem saying no to them but that is such a huge display that it really doesn't help the situation. And the aisle ends are still all crisps.

Rhona Walker

Sat 28 Feb 2015, 13:03

Today the Coop is displaying e-cigarettes on the counter right beside the till. Do other people consider this to be acceptable?

Jean Adams

Wed 25 Feb 2015, 13:04

Bring back sweet rationing and ration books. If you did not have the coupons for sweets you could not buy sweets however much money you had even in the late 1940's. End of story. Children were aware, there was no problem. It is all down to parenting now.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 25 Feb 2015, 11:13

Deborah: the Mudwalls veg I referred to was on a display outside the entrance doors. It has been there before. Maybe it is proving very popular and sells out, in which case let's hope they learn the lesson!

Deborah Longshaw

Wed 25 Feb 2015, 10:06 (last edited on Wed 25 Feb 2015, 10:09)

I suppose you have a point Harriet, sadly it is the way of the world these days. However, as in many other discussions, supermarkets can give such parents a helping hand by not having it right under their noses. Yes, we did have sweetie shops when I was young (60's). I remember one such in the village I grew up in. However, there was not the range, nor was their the mass advertising on the, then relatively new televisions, promoting it. Supermarkets were still in their infancy with the 'Corner Shop', the Butcher & Baker, still being the main provider. Our diets were, generally healthier then. Now we have more choice - good & bad. Interestingly enough with that choice obesity levels have shot up.
I am not saying that there isn't a place for sweets n' treats in our Supermarkets but it frustrates me no end when you have a store such as the one we have in Charlbury run by a group called the 'Co-operative' which sells itself on the fact that it supposedly is run by the people for the people & yet in a community such as ours it is not reflecting & promoting the wonderful fresh fruit Veg (along with meats) available, along with helping to promote a healthier lifestyle.
ETA, I was in the store yesterday, & it does appear to have improved somewhat, although no sign of that display you mentioned, Jon.

Pearl Manners

Tue 24 Feb 2015, 09:02

Yes Harriet I remember it along Sheep st, no problem for me either.

Harriet Baldwin

Tue 24 Feb 2015, 08:54

Deborah, that's nothing to do with the CO-OP (or any other shop for that matter) and all about parenting. My parents had no problem doing shopping with 3 kids in tow and checking stuff out at tills with sweets near them. Some of that was in Charlbury 30+ years ago in the VG if anyone remembers it and the fact they had a rack of sweets right next to the till?

Deborah Longshaw

Mon 23 Feb 2015, 22:09 (last edited on Mon 23 Feb 2015, 22:12)

Appreciate what you are saying Amanda, & believe me I do appreciate it. However, you might want to check in with the Mums who have to take screaming kids out of the shop because they have been tempted by the chocolates & cakes which used to be displayed right by the tills not to mention the extended sweetie section right by the queueing area for the tills & I shouldn't have to shop elsewhere to get healthy food! Like I said, we are right in the middle of prime agricultural land, & the Co-op, with their community ethos should be making use of this! Appreciate workmen need their 'fodder' but until recently workmen's fodder took up nearly 3/4 of the shop & seriously in this day & age there is no excuse for this - I am sure even workmen watch their waistlines & cholesterol levels!
It does appear, from Jon's posting, that thank goodness, things are changing.

Ruth Williams

Sun 22 Feb 2015, 10:19

Well said Amanda, the Co-op serves a wide range of people and yes Charlbury is lucky that they have it.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 21 Feb 2015, 22:01

And they have got the lovely Mudwalls veg from Alcester back in stock. Look for it outside. The kale was great this evening... And they have sprouting broccoli, red cabbage, and green as well as red curly kale. All extremely fresh and local enough, given no one round here grows veg! Progress!!


Sat 21 Feb 2015, 21:05

I can not believe the moaning and complaining on here. You should all be very glad that we have a local convenience store that opens long hours and caters for a huge variety of people not just the locals but people passing through and people from surrounding villages that are not fortunate enough to have a shop of their own. I don't eat burgers however for the many construction/outdoor working people, sometimes a quick hot lunch is nicer than a cold sandwich this time of year. If you don't want burgers,chocolates and cakes don't bloody buy them, go to the fresh fruit section in the shop or better still shop somewhere else!

Janet Burroughs

Fri 20 Feb 2015, 13:56

For a store to be defined as a convenience store it must satisfy three criteria:

Size: The store must be under 3,000 sq ft
Opening hours: It must not be subject to restricted opening hours under the Sunday Trading Act
Product categories: It should stock at least seven types of listed core categories.

See Convenience Retailing Factsheet

So one of the benefits to Charlbury of the Co-op, apart from a good range of products (to meet the needs of a range of customers) considering its size, is the longer opening hours on Sundays.

Leah Fowler

Fri 20 Feb 2015, 09:14

Is it correct that because of the floor space Charlbury COOP is a convenience store and not a Super Market and that this makes a difference to what they sell?

Leah Fowler

Fri 20 Feb 2015, 08:46

I apologise to Lyn for my comment about the oranges at the Charlbury Deli (formerly the GFS)

Elaine Newbold

Thu 19 Feb 2015, 17:53

Co-op Group appoints Allan Leighton as chairman hopefully he can make a difference!

Brigid Sturdy

Thu 19 Feb 2015, 16:44

I sent them a complaint about the new cheeseburger dispenser, which impinges on the space by the cash machine, gives out heat and unpleasant smells, and, as the first thing one sees just inside the shop, does not exactly suggest healthy lifestyles! I've had the usual acknowledgement and wait to hear more.

Rosemary Bennett

Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:31

I'm very glad that this link is so useful for both customers and the Co-op. Credit to all who are participating...

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:47

What do you think about this? Has anyone else had a reply?

They are taking some of the comments on board. So it's worth letting them know what you/we think.

Dear Mr Carpenter,

I am writing with reference to your recent correspondence regarding our Co-operative Food Store in Charlbury.


Long post - click to read full text

Deborah Longshaw

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 11:50 (last edited on Wed 18 Feb 2015, 11:55)

Sorry to interrupt such a fascinating discussion (may I suggest a separate thread?), but any chance of bringing this thread back to its original subject??

Sorry Jon, just seen your posting!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 11:35

I agree with Richard and Mr Fowler. And I like the plural usage in this particular instance, because if you describe the Coop as 'it', you're obscuring the fact that 'it' is actually a crowd of individuals -- 'they' -- who need to pull their socks up and run a better business. And it's not the fault of the people on the shop floor, it's a management issue when something like this happens. 'The Coop' doesn't have a problem: senior managers do!

The organic milk is back already. They haven't replaced the shelf labels yet, but at least the milk is there...

russell robson

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 11:04

Charlbury is revolting, or are revolting, when refering to the residents?!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 10:04

You really want me to get the Fowlers out? :)

"Nouns of multitude, etc. Such words as army, fleet, Government, company [...] may stand either for a single entity or for the individuals who compose it, and are called nouns of multitude. They are treated as singular or plural at discretion - and sometimes, naturally, without discretion. 'The Cabinet is divided' is better, because in the order of thought a whole must precede division; and 'The Cabinet are agreed' is better, because it takes two or more to agree. That is a delicate distinction, and few will be at the pains to make it. [...] In general it may be said that while there are always a better and a worse in the matter, there are seldom a right and a wrong, and any attempt to elaborate rules would be waste labour."

Simon Walker

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 09:43

I'm with Angus on that one. Companies, even when involving multiple names (as in the notorious law firm, Sue, Grabbit and Runne, or their less prominent counterparts, Lye, Bluster and Settle) are considered as being singular entities when it comes to possessives. Hence 'its spelling and grammar' fits the bill here - and don't forget to show your dividend card .... As far as Autocorrect goes, you are referred to the 'Ode to the Spellchecker', for which the final line usually reads "my chequer tolled me sew".

russell robson

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 09:43

Seville Oranges! Couldn't they source some local ones!

Leah Fowler

Wed 18 Feb 2015, 09:41 (last edited on Wed 18 Feb 2015, 09:45)

The Good Food Shop sold "Saville Oranges" last year(or was it the year before?) Who would want to squeeze a SAVILLE?

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 23:16

Sounds like the Co-op have yet to discover the joys of 'Autocorrect'.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 22:13

Oh lawdy, you'll be delving into Fowlers (Modern English Usage, that is, not Leah and Derek) next. Singular vs plural for nouns of number is rarely straightforward, and you could make a convincing case for either "their" or "its".

Angus B

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 22:07

Jon Carpenter, you wrote, "But a company the size of the Coop could be expected to make some effort to check their spelling and grammar'.... Do you mean "its spelling and grammar"? !!

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 21:39

Yay! They must have heard me, received my reply - sans any typos....
Dear Ms Longshaw,

Thank you for your email.

On receipt of your correspondence I have duly noted your concerns and I
have now raised your feedback for internal investigation. We will
contact you with further details during the next seven working days.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my apologies for any
recent inconvenience and I can assure you of our prompt attention to
this matter.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you require further
assistance in the meantime.

Thank you for your on-going support of our Co-operative Society.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle Harwood
Retail Customer Focus Co-ordinator
The Midcounties Co-operative Society
Freephone: 0800 138 2909

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 11:26

You may be right, Leah. But a company the size of the Coop could be expected to make some effort to check their spelling and grammar, or get someone to do it for them. If everyone else, from Tesco and Sainsburys to Lidl and Morrisons, can get it right, why does the Coop not care? Again, it's a sad reflection on the Cooperative movement, and I for one think it deserves better!

Leah Fowler

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 10:46

Not everyone has the benefit of your education obviously.

Charlie M

Tue 17 Feb 2015, 10:20

On another issue ... the Co-op might like to take a look at the quality of grammar in its notices, or, in particular, the use of the "abhorrent apostrophe"! One of their posters goes on about how you should "Enjoy your share", and says at the bottom that "Yours is on it's way". I posted a photo of the offending notice on Facebook, where it has caused considerable comment and - in some cases - amusement.
Just saying ...!

Deborah Longshaw

Mon 16 Feb 2015, 23:13

Hi Jon, it is reassuring to see that someone else shares my feelings & frustrations. I emailed them over a week ago but so far have heard nothing - maybe mine got lost in the post?? I may well, the next time I am down, see if I am able to actually speak with the new Manager. As I mentioned previously, I feel it is shocking that sited as it is in an area teeming with fresh fruit, vegetable & wonderful locally butchered meats, that it is selling the crap it is! They are missing a big opportunity here!!

By the way might well take you up on the offer of a lift to Lidl. At this rate Jon, you may need to start hiring a mini-bus!!!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 16 Feb 2015, 17:40

I've had a response from the Coop (below), and I've got,other irons in the fire too. Hopefully more anon. I had a closer look round the shop today and it's a disgrace.

Dear Mr Carpenter,

Thank you for sending the link to the Charlbury forum.

On receipt of your email I duly noted your concerns and I have now
raised this with the District Manager, Matt Windridge who will send me
a response once all has been considered.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my apologies for any
recent inconvenience and I can assure you of our prompt attention to
this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle Harwood
Retail Customer Focus Co-ordinator
The Midcounties Co-operative Society
Freephone: 0800 138 2909

Miles Walkden

Mon 16 Feb 2015, 17:15

I notice they have removed the organic milk completely now.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 16 Feb 2015, 12:49 (last edited on Mon 16 Feb 2015, 17:41)

I'm still waiting for a reply to my email of last Thursday. Has anyone else written to them?

I've always been very pro-Coop but I agree that something has gone wrong recently. I don't know whether it's at the local or central level, but it lets down the principles the organisation is built on. Now they appear to have abandoned organic milk (they could always have sold more, they just kept running out!), and they have ditched the better quality crisps for the cheapo varieties. Not to mention the piles of sweets and junk already mentioned, positioned to tempt children and exploit parents.

I'm pleased to say that Lidl stocks excellent fruit and veg, UK whenever possible and sometimes organic and/or fair trade, along with many other top quality products at quite extraordinary prices. The pity is that they are in Witney, and a good ten-minute walk from the bus, but I'm happy to offer a trip from time to time to anyone who wants to buy terrific food (and household cleaning stuff) and save massively compared with other supermarkets into the bargain.

Meanwhile, I'm increasingly going to the Coop just for the bare essentials. And that's not good for local people who are entirely reliant on the shop, and are watching it go downhill. But I also admit I'm saving a lot of money, which I really appreciate.

So, Coop? Are you going to up your game? And if head office won't reply, can we hear from local management? Or do lips have to be sealed?

russell robson

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 22:22

People could visit the deli?

Romaine Schmidt

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 21:04

I agree Deborah, of late the Charlbury Coop is a shocker over stocked with the regular global food thugs (Premier foods, Kraft, General Mills, Mars, etc) and under stocked with fresh, local produce. The coop in Woodstock is so much better. wouldn't it be lovely to have a CQF in Charlbury or at least coop management with better understanding of the local demographic. #Missingatrick

Deborah Longshaw

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:48

Pearl, it is not just the chocolate, the majority of the shelf space is given over to what I would describe as 'unhealthy processed food. There seems to be some sort of attempt to make it look more 'rustic' with wicker/wooden baskets being used for display. The items being displayed in them though are not exactly fresh & wholesome. The powers that be need to take a look at all that is on offer at the monthly 'Farmers Market' & try to emulate that.

Pearl Manners

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:02 (last edited on Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:37)

I bought some Chocolate, there's still plenty but not in such a prominent position which had been the complaint is what I was pointing out.

nigel rosser

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:16

We're pretty lucky to have a half-decent shop open to 10 at night, though.

russell robson

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 14:57

I object to the commercialisation of Valentine's Day. Think of people shopping at the Co-Op without a partner at the present time.

They might want to take solice in chocolate and will now have difficulty in finding any.

Pearl Manners

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 13:03

I have just been to the Co-op and there is much less of a display of choc.etc as you go in on the left than there was couple days ago and it is now taken over by lovely flowers for Valentines day. So I think they must be listening.

Christine Battersby

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 12:03

The comments book is now right at the back of the shop on the right hand side. None of the staff on the till knew where it was kept, and had to call the manager to find out. So I did actually speak to him about the amazing amount of chocolate and sweets piled up by the tills. He said he would reduce the amount, so let's see if anything does change.

What they are able to stock is now directed much more from head office, but how it is displayed varies from branch to branch. The other 2 Co-ops that I have visited in the last week (Woodstock & Witney) were much less intrusive for confectionery round the tills. I was looking for things no longer stocked at Charlbury!

Katie Ewer

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 11:58

As a parent of 2 small kids, I dread taking them to the Co-op as every shelf-end, till-point and the dreaded, often lengthy, queuing aisle is stocked from top to bottom with sweets, crisps and unhealthy snacks. It's awful and inevitably results in a very painful shipping experience wight he kids. Contrast with LIDL that has only healthy checkouts and a single aisle of treats, which is much better in my humble opinion.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 11:19

You can tell the Midcounties Coop what you think here:

I'm sending them a link to this forum to see what they say!

Deborah Longshaw

Thu 12 Feb 2015, 00:56

Rosemary, I can only state from when I used to work there, about 5yrs ago now, that at that point in time, the Customer Comments book was actually read & every effort was put into stocking the shop as per what the customer wanted or requested, clearly those days are over!

Rosemary Bennett

Wed 11 Feb 2015, 18:32

I've always been told that the decisions about what the store stocks are made centrally, and can not be influenced by the individual stores' requests. Is this true?

Malcolm Biranek

Wed 11 Feb 2015, 12:55 (last edited on Wed 11 Feb 2015, 13:01)

Well james the co-op won't even stock the things people want to buy even after speaking to staff. Some are no longer stocked and replaced with premium priced alternatives. Having asked several times and being told the items I used to purchase will be ordered in and after several months nothing happens then we have to vote with our feet. As has been said there are now huge areas of the shop dedicated to confectionary, crisps and snacks but they can't even stock a range of reasonably priced breakfast cereals for example.
Mention has be made of the organisation having values but these don't seem to translate into how the organisation has been run and managed. Another example has been the lack of stocking english and local produce in season in preference to items shipped from Chile, Spain, USA for example. Perhaps more competition in the town as is the case of Chippy would enable us to have more choice and better service without having to take the non-green option of having a delivery from our local Tesco, Asda or Sainsbury's!

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 23:14

Hannen, I completely agree we do have freedom of choice & certainly we have the Fiveways Store, as well in Charlbury & other Supermarkets further afield. However, that avoids the issue that it is in this day & age highly irresponsible to be stocking a shop in such a way! Having been a parent myself, I remember the tears & tantrums when Sweets were refused. In the Co-op they are everywhere, in fact they have even increased their sweets section, right by the checkouts, of course!
James, I have gone one better & sent a strongly worded email to their head office. I would rather speak to the organ grinder than the monkey!!!

James Styring

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 18:48

The Co-op is a members' co-operative and if you have a membership card (and possibly if you don't) the shop manager or the area manager will (in my experience in other parts of Oxfordshire, though not yet in Charlbury) listen to your concerns and take steps to stock the shop differently. Try it.

Hannen Beith

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 18:22

Well, I don't know. There are other local and not too far afield places to shop, as well as online, whether that be Aldi (Witney), or Sainsburys, or Riverford Organics etc. I tend to spread my sources. The best consumer pressure (imho) is exerted by NOT shopping where you don't want to. And this from someone who doesn't have a car. Shop around and the Co-op will get the message more clearly than from a customer comments book.

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 11:23

That is probably the only thing left, Malcom. When I used to work there, they were really pushing the 'Fair Trade' initiative. Along with their slogan at the time of supporting 'values'. Well quite obviously all that has gone out the window!!

Malcolm Biranek

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 11:13 (last edited on Tue 10 Feb 2015, 16:15)

The chocolate is Fair Trade 

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 10 Feb 2015, 09:34 (last edited on Tue 10 Feb 2015, 09:49)

Having not been in the place for, oh, at least a week. I was shocked on walking in today to find that it bore a greater resemblance to 'Charlie's Chocolate Factory' than a mainstream supermarket, most of which these days are all promoting healthy eating. Now, having worked there a while back for a considerable length of time, I am aware it was never at the cutting edge of healthy eating but it did for a have a good stocked chilled vegetable section plus a good variety of other healthy eating options. On initial inspection they appear to be trying to go for the 'Village market store' look. However, just because items are displayed in wicker baskets does not make them healthy. Everywhere you turn you are bombarded by the 3 'c's' -cakes, chocolates & crisps. It is an 'E' number heaven but the shop has now turned into every parent's idea of hell! It is beyond me, how in this day & age when it is a well known fact that obesity (& related illnesses) are the biggest drain on the NHS resources, that a large supermarket chain should act so irresponsibly!! What has happened to their link with 'Fair Trade'?? One only needs to walk around the village of an afternoon to witness in the form of joggers, walkers & dog walkers that Charlbury residents take the healthy lifestyle very seriously! There should be a customer comments book 'hidden' round the corner as you come in by the Cash Machine, can I suggest that as many people as possible state their disgust in there. It certainly used to be read, every so often!

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