What's that plane?

Mike Williams

Tue 6 Jan 2015, 22:19 (last edited on Tue 6 Jan 2015, 22:24)

Anybody want to see some trains? Go to www.traintimes.org.uk/map/#oxf

Judy Kinchella

Tue 6 Jan 2015, 20:22

Another one is www.planefinder - live flight status trader, i tracked my sons plane when he went to China a couple of years ago,

Helen Holwill

Tue 6 Jan 2015, 18:02

There is one for ships, too: https://www.marinetraffic.com
You can even click on the ship and see a photo of it and technical details.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 6 Jan 2015, 15:51

Here's a rather geeky but fascinating website I've just found.

Do you look at planes in the sky and wonder what they are, where they have come from and where they are going? If so, look here: www.flightradar24.com/. It seems to include gliders, training planes, etc.

Anyone else discovered anything interesting recently!?

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