'Wilderness Noise'

Miles Walkden

Sat 16 Aug 2014, 10:06

Mark. You don't like broccoli? You must be crazy. :)

Mark Purcell

Fri 15 Aug 2014, 23:58

With references to Miles's comment 'Any local who does not take advantage of super cheap tickets and the ability to walk to one of the countries major summer event is crazy' - just no. No, no, no. I've no objection to the Wilderness and no real views about it one way or the other, but one of the least attractive aspects of Charlbury is the ease with which our happy little community so often slips into a rather smug communitarianism which assumes that everyone does and should like and think the same things, and that anyone who doesn't is humbuggish, grumpy or plain stupid. I didn't not go to the Wilderness because I am crazy. I didn't go because I'm not interested. I'm not interested in Estonian conversation classes. I'm not interested in eating broccoli. I'm not interested in shooting pheasants. I'm not interested in football. And I'm not interested in the Wilderness. It's really that simple. I don't expect the world at large to share my interests, and I find it pretty tiresome when people assume that everyone simply must share their passions.

Harriet Peters

Fri 15 Aug 2014, 10:02

When I'm not at the events themselves, there is something very life affirming for me in hearing the sounds of other people enjoying themselves drifting over Charlbury. For me, the many local music events (some gentle, some more raucous) are part of the town's charm and why my family and I enjoy living here. A little of bit wildness is a good thing.

Robin Taylor

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 16:02

I don't think it is 'bah humbug' at all. I think it has been established that Wilderness enables people to have a good time, benefits local businesses and raises money for good causes. I can't see that toning down late night/small hours noise should prevent any of those things. As Kat says, it's a question of reaching a sensible compromise.

Kat Patrick

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 15:19

At the risk of being labeled a "bah humbug", I do agree there should be reasonable limits. We just may not agree what those are; however, I'm at Ditchley Road and was kept up past 2 am on Friday night (errrm, Saturday morning). That doesn't seem reasonable to me.

Miles Walkden

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 14:07

Leah - absolutely nothing. Hence the and/or. :)

Leah Fowler

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 13:47

Well Miles whats wrong with being old and adventurous?

Peter Finch

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 12:40

Come on people, have some fun for crying out loud...on second thoughts "crying out loud" seems to be a crime punishable by crucifixion around these areas at the moment. The Wilderness was a great laugh and enjoyed by all, I even managed to have a crafty "blunt" to Burt Bacharach. Long may it continue!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 12:35

Well said Miles

Hamish Nichol

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 10:08

Good point Leah, and also why assume people work only during daylight hours. If people want quiet time from 11:30pm on days preceding weekdays then maybe this quiet time should extend to around 06:30am, because it's just as disruptive been woken at 5am or 6am by people starting their cars to drive to work.

Miles Walkden

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 10:07

Wilderness is quickly developing a reputation as one of the best festivals in the country. It is beautifully suited for children, is well organised, respected and, for the most part, loved by locals and visitors alike. (Any local who does not take advantage of super cheap tickets and the ability to walk to one of the countries major summer event is crazy.) But it's going to be busy and noisy (although I am a light sleeper, live on Sturt road but slept through fine each night). I cant help thinking that people could look at their surroundings and the idyllic life we can have in Charlbury and suck up a couple of days of minor inconvenience while we share what we have 360 days of the year to ourselves, with others. I really hope Wilderness stays in Charlbury so we can enjoy a great town and a great event. 360 days of quiet Cotswold for the older and/or more sensitive, 5 days for the young and/or more adventurous. Sounds fare to me.

Leah Fowler

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 08:17

Why do you assume that every one works Mon thru Friday?

Vickie J

Wed 13 Aug 2014, 00:05

I also took advantage of the local discounted tickets and myself and my young family had a great time. I was at home on Friday and Sunday night and I didn't hear any noise from inside my house. I hope the festival continues to run as I, and many others, thoroughly enjoyed it...

Malcolm Biranek

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 22:01 (last edited on Tue 12 Aug 2014, 22:07)

Its not meant to be disrespectful and I live here too!!
Its a practical suggestion, and you obviously don't have problems in your part of Charlbury with rowdy drunks in the early hours of the morning. These inconsiderate people IMO are much more of a problem than the odd music festival. Not to mention those people returning home who slam their car doors sound their car horns, or let their dog bark continuously at various ungodly hours, this to me is disrespectful.

Paul Taylor

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 20:59

We don't need the ear plug remarks respect to people who live here 2.00am it is wrong any one else with out the big money and large country house would not be allowed to get away with this on a Monday morning. As stated I am only worried about late Sunday Early Monday.

Malcolm Biranek

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 20:19 (last edited on Tue 12 Aug 2014, 20:23)

As said it worth investing in a set of ear plugs
The noisy cars and motorbikes and rowdy drunks at 2 or 3 in the morning in the center of Charlbury will keep anyone awake at weekends, festival or no festival I'm afraid.

Also I do think the type of music at Riverside is quite different (smaller scale etc) than wilderness so it will of course produce less noise

Rachael Lunney

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 20:17

It depend where you were Friday, was loudest as clearest . But it only one weekend a year.

Alan Cobb

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 20:03

Riverside a fortnight ago, Wilderness this weekend, how many more "its just for the weekend"s do we have to put up with? Riverside stopped at 10pm on Saturday and 8pm on Sunday. I have not heard anyone say Riverside was not a good festival (quite a few consider it was beter than Wilderness). As Paul has said, it was the continuation into Monday morning that is intolerable. As for blaming the wind, it was southwesterly for most of Saturday and from midday on Sunday - it often is, being the prevailing wind in this country. Sorry for the grumpiness of this post - that's what sleep deprivation does.

Malcolm Biranek

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 19:47

Yes the music was a little loud and I think it was accentuated by the wind direction. I live reasonably close and it certainly didn't keep me awake!
Its one weekend a year
You know when its going to happen
So perhaps the light sleepers (and I'm one) should get some of these ear plugs? www.ebay.co.uk/itm/x7-Pairs-of-Genuine-HUSH-PLUGZ-Silicone-Earplugs-Ear-Plugs-Ear-Defenders-/271169833463?pt=UK_BOI_ProtectiveGear_RL&hash=item3f22fb49f7

Paul Taylor

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 17:34 (last edited on Tue 12 Aug 2014, 17:36)

I have not moaned about the rest of the week end what I have said and still say should shut up at 11.30pm as of respect for the locals that have work early Monday some thing that has in some ways been going since Thursday should shut down and let the ones that did not come nor want to come and join in have their life back. What right does any one have to force sleep deprivation on Me or any one else. People have been moaning on about the helicopters this is far worse. Liz please sort the Licence out that let them go into Monday morning we had the same problem the first year needs to be 11.30pm finish Sunday that was agreed after first year.

Matt Cardy

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 17:13

I have to say I attended the festival and enjoyed the music, which was loud but also exceptionally well produced, the sound engineers did a great job . I was concerned at the ecological effect and disturbance of deer, birds and other animals especially in the forest area from the noise, litter and human activity, and wonder if this is appropriate use?

Naomi Berger

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 16:44 (last edited on Tue 12 Aug 2014, 16:59)

I felt a bit sorry for the deer in the park. I bet they didn't get much sleep either.

Ruth Brice

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 16:43

I took advantage of the local discounted tickets & had a great weekend camping on site. Personally I feel we are lucky to have such a different festival on our doorstep, and whilst I sympathise with people being unable to sleep due to some noise (I slept at home on Sunday night & heard no noise past 11:30pm) it is only 1 weekend of the year. If all noise was to be stopped at 11pm it would be a pretty boring festival experience....

Hamish Nichol

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 16:30

Have to say some of this weekend's weather was louder than the music, though not sure who I can complain to about this?

Andrea Swinburne

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 16:01

Co-op????? Really!! What about the people who have to get up at the crack of sparrows to go out and work on Monday morning? I really think a petition should be set up over the licence and the Charlbury community can put their vote to how they feel about all this & how long they can play for. But gone 2am in the morning and Monday at that is just not acceptable! My husband usually has to get up just after 4am to catch a flight. If he'd had to of flown Monday - he would have had no sleep because of been disturbed so much. And driving under those circumstances....
I have no issues of any loud music up until 11.30pm and the fact that these type of events run from Thursday night through to Sunday - surely an 11.30pm finish is not too much to ask for??? Again when we had the Cornbury Music Festival, they always finished at 11.30pm. So why the hell can't the Wilderness Festival??

Rachael Lunney

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 12:56

Can People not stop to thing how munch money it brings in for business like the coop and others.

Ian Lewis

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 12:16

The bus route was only because of the diversion due to the temporary weight limit on the bridge!

charlie clews

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 12:03

I think a lot of the noise level variations are caused by the wind direction rather than changes in the actual noise levels. This probably means the sound is heard differently all over the area depending on the weather. My experience of the festival was that the main stage (biggest noise) was closed at 10-11pm leaving lots of smaller stages/ events continuing on into the night, which is what the festival is all about really. To be honest for all it brings, only to have to suffer little bit of traffic and noise for a few hours on a few days?!?!?! I'm happy to "tolerate it" and actually really pleased to live here whilst all those people are enjoying themselves in this beautiful area/ setting. It's a pretty civilised festival compared to lots of others but they do need a USP to sell tickets. The lighting, processions, bonfires, trapeze artists, musicians are all carefully staged and the darkness adds to the drama of the events which I presume is why there is lots going on an night. There's also a hell of a lot of thought/ checks/ testing done to try and lessen the impact on the area, for example we live on Dyers Hill so got the bus in from the Station. The bus went up Forest road, round through Leafeild rather than through Charlbury, so it took an age but avoided clogging up Charlbury.

Pearl Manners

Tue 12 Aug 2014, 07:24 (last edited on Tue 12 Aug 2014, 08:19)

John Werner

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 22:30

Sorry for those who couldn't put up with it for one weekend. I would say it was as loud as the Riverside fest - I personally didn't feel much difference. What really gets me actually is the church bell!!!

Paul Taylor

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 18:16

Just been up to the site took to the site managers office and He's writing down complaints and forwarding them on to his boss. Also told Me Last year they were licenced till 11.30 Sunday this year they got a licence till 2.00am Monday so this means the People running it have gone back on their word about finishing at 11.30pm Sunday Nights so they don't care about us living locally I sugest people complain to the Manager office on site and WODC or next year will be worse.

Andrea Swinburne

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 17:54

Wasn't around Friday to comment on the level of noise then but Saturday was very loud going on past 1.30am and last night I was woken a few times & I still heard the music past 2.30am. NOT impressed. When we had the Cornbury music fest here at least they didn't go past 11.30pm so you didn't mind the music. But this fest? Seems each time it's on they just don't care about people who live close by. I will be making a complaint. I have no worries about the music during day hrs & up to 11-11.30 but the times it's been playing to is just not on.

Paul Taylor

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 16:22

I have to be up at 4.30 so to be woken up by fireworks is unforgiving after the promises we were given. I backed them up on here on Sunday but they still had to let us down. If there is no festival 2015 it is down to them letting the locals down. The licence should be approved on merit and I for one would object now.

Helen Wilkinson

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 16:00

I agree that last night it did seem quieter after 11.30, but the one loud bang at around 2 in the morning really woke me up and I'm afraid that was the end of a night's sleep for me. On the whole though, I do not think it was too bad - it is only one weekend in the year.

Paul Taylor

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 15:52

To be honest after 11.30 the noise level seemed to go down till the end when some one let the fireworks off 2.00 am+ how stupid that was they woke me up after the promises we had that there would not be a repeat of 2 years ago I feel let down by the organisers.

Alan Cobb

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 13:58

I can assure you it was very audible on Dyers Hill, Saturday, Sunday and early Monday morning. At my house it was as bad, if not worse, than 2 years ago. I have complained to WODC about it.

Susan Way

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 13:32

We live in Market Street (town centre) and could still hear the music all too clearly on Saturday night at 12.45am. It wasn't so bad last night.

I don't know what time the festival licence allows the music to be on until. When we used to go to Cornbury Festival when it was at Cornbury, the music always seemed to end promptly about 11.30pm from memory.

Pearl Manners

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 12:46

Sorry, I stand by what I've said, maybe you don't live up along or off
Sturt Road area as I understand if you are down in Charlbury town you would not hear it as much!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 12:31

The noise was only slightly audible to me - and because it was raining the windows were shut. Nothing like the noise we had 2 years ago and didnt keep me awake.

Pearl Manners

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 11:43 (last edited on Mon 11 Aug 2014, 12:09)

Be forewarned anyone travelling Charlbury/ Witney road today might like to know you will possibly have a long wait to get passed the lane to Cornbury where loads vehicles are coming out from the festival, they have traffic lights there which are being manned and are mostly giving priority to Festival traffic! Fiveways is a bit of a nightmare as well.
I hoped having listened to thumping music most of weekend even though had windows shut and double glazing things would be better today and peace would return. Sorry, don't normally complain!

Alan Cobb

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 08:22

Well, I certainly heard it still going on at 1:45am this morning.

Robin Taylor

Mon 11 Aug 2014, 07:56

We didn't hear anything at all after 11pm last night, which was good. If they could just turn it down a tad similarly on Saturday night, that would seem a reasonable compromise. They can have fun, we can sleep!

Paul Taylor

Sun 10 Aug 2014, 19:31

Two years ago there was noise still going on at 4am Monday morning after many people complained they have agreed to different rules so no early Monday/late Sunday which I think is fair as they raise Money for local things. To be honest I had my windows open and not as loud as 2 years ago.

Harriet Baldwin

Sun 10 Aug 2014, 19:19

We had a visitor who couldn't believe how loud it was- he could hear the bass through headphones even though we had the double glazing closed.

Robin Taylor

Sun 10 Aug 2014, 18:53

Especially when the bass is still thumping in the bedroom despite double glazing!

Diana Limburg

Sun 10 Aug 2014, 16:43

Music is great. But not at 2 am.

Elaine Newbold

Sun 10 Aug 2014, 16:30

Music ???


Sun 10 Aug 2014, 16:28

Music festival... key word being music. That is all.

Andrea Swinburne

Sun 10 Aug 2014, 15:57

Wilderness Noise - that's all I'll say!!!!!!

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