Bus links & times

Christine Battersby

Fri 8 Nov 2013, 00:45 (last edited on Fri 8 Nov 2013, 00:54)

Thanks to Janet and Jon for these suggested websites, but they don't really provide the ease of access that I was hoping for. Greenhub makes it rather easier to get to Milan than to Charlbury Station. Local buses are there, but buried in a sidebar. And I've failed to work out how to find the necessary details about prebooking buses, or indeed Charlbury to Charlbury trips, via the Southeast website. I do sometimes wonder if those who design these sites actually use buses for local trips. Charlbury website can do better than this!

Janet Sly

Thu 7 Nov 2013, 22:09

Bus timetables can also be found on the Charlbury Green Hub website in the Travel section: www.charlburygreenhub.org.uk/travel.html

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 7 Nov 2013, 18:36

Times and connections are all on www.travelinesoutheast.org.uk/ Make it a favourite or bookmark it.

If you have a smartphone or an iPad there is also a Traveline app.

Christine Battersby

Thu 7 Nov 2013, 15:40 (last edited on Thu 7 Nov 2013, 15:41)

It would be really good if there were an easy place on the website to get the bus links. The X9 timetable is now in the X9 thread. The S3 link to the timetable on the Getting here page and is now also here: www.stagecoachbus.com/pdfs/XOAS003.pdf

But where do people find the railbus timetable? For those who want it (use it or lose it!), here it is: railbus.co.uk/

I'm also interested to know who else is finding it really inconvenient that there is no S3 bus into Oxford between 7.25 and 9.32 on a weekday. This is too late (or much too early) for the many classes in Summertown which start at 10.30, and must also surely affect those who are needing to get to appointments in Oxford around 10.

Now that Water Eaton Park & Ride is starting charging £2 for 11 hours parking (£4 for 11 - 24 hours), I would guess that more people might be interested in exploring how to go in to Oxford by bus.

As for the lack of any buses on a Sunday, this would also surely make a difference to those needing to travel to work or to shop.

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