Extra help needed at Brownies please...

Cathryn Taylor

Wed 30 Aug 2006, 11:09

Brownies will be restarting on 13th September, from 6.45-8pm in the Scout Hut. If your daughter is interested in joining us, please contact me at cathrynt@talktalk.net

Cathryn Taylor

Thu 17 Aug 2006, 07:54

My new email address for Brownie contact is cathrynt@talktalk.net
This can be used if you need any information on Brownies, Rainbows or Guides in the area.

Cathryn Taylor

Tue 25 Jul 2006, 13:20

Latest update - another kind volunteer has come forward for a night a month, in the realms of 'science' etc. I also rather fancy the idea of the Fire Safety badge or the First Aid badge - any offers to help me out?

Its interesting (and rather disappointing), that none of the volunteers so far live in Charlbury...doesn't Charlbury care about helping the Brownies? Isn't there anyone who would like to help out once a month, or even just for a one-off badge / activity?
Please contact me at cathrynt@clara.co.uk

Cathryn Taylor

Sun 9 Jul 2006, 09:43

An update on the Brownie situation. I have had two volunteers who will do one week each a month which will be fantastic. Is anyone else interested in one evening a month? We would love to have someone with an interest in 'science' type activities, or maybe things from other countries, or activities relvant to Charlbury and the surrounding area. Any other ideas?

Cathryn Taylor

Thu 29 Jun 2006, 15:15

Hello all, I'm Cathryn, leader of Charlbury Brownies. I've been running the pack for nearly 11 years now - not bad considering I only ever lived in Charlbury for 5 months in 1988. I love doing it, did nearly leave last year but didn't in the end.

To be honest though, I'm starting to run out of steam now in respect of new ideas. I still want to come to the weekly meetings but what we really need is someone who would like to come along each week to run the activities / badges / crafts etc.

There are no qualifications required, no need to wear a uniform, or go on training sessions, or attend anything apart from the Wednesday night meetings (term time only, 6.45-8pm), however you would need to be CRB checked. It doesn't matter if you were never a Brownie.

This is not a cunning ploy to 'offload' the Pack onto anyone, I will still be there as a Guider as will the other Leaders. We will all join in with everything as normal - just need someone with lots of inspiration and enthusiasm to help us out.

If you are interested, then please contact me at cathrynt@clara.co.uk

Many thanks

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