
David Green

Sat 26 Jan 2013, 13:46

I don't know if litter bins on Park Street would make any difference but would be a much better investment than the Charlbury version of Stonehenge and a fraction of the cost! The amount of litter that has been thrown over the wall of Lee Place is unacceptable. I'm not sure what the solution is.

glena chadwick

Thu 17 Jan 2013, 10:58


Totally agree,Liz about the effect of DP closing and flytipping. However, it is WODC's responsibilty to keep the area cleared. After what felt like years of wrangling I extracted from them a promise to do that and also to leave enough space in the bins so that stuff wasn't piled up around---which in the DP days was the main cause of trouble. They agreed to remove and sweep the area free of all debris (whether recyclable or not). However, I'm afraid it always needed constant reminders and obviously still does---so, great work Liz.

john h

Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:05 (last edited on Wed 16 Jan 2013, 20:06)

Rubbish at Spendlove

It is not all bad news at the bring site, 2 weeks ago some kind person dumped an old single pine bed by the bins.

This has now been recycled into bags of kindling woood and gone to good homes, and help repair some garden furniture.
The only way to get rid of carboard via the kerbside pick up, is to cut it small enough to fit in the black boxes---daft really!

Keep up the presure Liz

John H

Liz Leffman

Wed 16 Jan 2013, 17:53

In the past people would have taken these items to Dean Pit and the closure has resulted in an increase in fly tipping, I'm afraid. Although I certainly don't condone this I can understand why it happens - in the back of my car at the moment I have two huge cardboard boxes that contained my new computer, too big for the black boxes, plus the bits of foam that protected it. It makes absolutely no sense to drive all the way to Standlake to dispose of them, but till Greystones opens there is nowhere else to take them so they will probably stay in my car for the foreseeable future, unless I get so fed up with them that I
cut them up into bits and dispose of them over several weeks!

Shelagh Scott

Wed 16 Jan 2013, 14:04

I agree that there is a lot of mess at Spendlove, but don't feel the council should take all the blame. This morning there is a broken-up piece of furniture, and carpet underlay dumped on the ground, and in the last few weeks there have been many items that have nothing to do with the recycle bins, such as books of carpet samples, and large blocks of polystyrene.
When does recycling become illegal dumping?

john h

Tue 15 Jan 2013, 23:03

Thank you Liz

Liz Leffman

Tue 15 Jan 2013, 14:39

Hi John, yes, I have spoken to WODC about the state of the Spendlove.

David Green

Tue 15 Jan 2013, 13:09

Hi Liz,
Thanks for your reply. The rubbish (including the three bikes) have been thrown over the wall. The images were taken from the inside of the wall and not the outside. Thanks, David

john h

Mon 14 Jan 2013, 20:21

Next time you are near the Co-oP could you please check the discusting mess near to the recyle bins. Surely when the bins are emptied the operatives could clear up behind them, like they do not on recycling day in the rest of Town. Look down any street and there is rubbish left in the road, it was bad in Park St last week.
John Harrison

Liz Leffman

Mon 14 Jan 2013, 17:33

I walked around the periphery of Lee Place this afternoon. I'm not sure if it's thanks to WODC or the people who left stuff there but the rubbish and the bikes are no longer there.

Stephen Andrews

Mon 14 Jan 2013, 14:11 (last edited on Mon 14 Jan 2013, 14:11)

A number of capping stones on our dry stone wall on Park Street have also been pushed over into our garden. I thought it was an isolated or rain related incident a few months ago when I saw the damage to our neighbours' wall, but it happened in three separate parts of our wall over the Christmas period. The stones are now mostly slotted back in, but it a curious form of Cotswold vandalism.

Liz Leffman

Mon 14 Jan 2013, 13:06

David, thanks for your post. I've been in touch with WODC officers to let them know about this

Katrina Ross

Fri 11 Jan 2013, 19:28 (last edited on Fri 11 Jan 2013, 20:33)

It is the same along the foot path at Cornbury, rubbish dropped on the bridge and over the wall into the field below, it has also been noted that there is a regular beer can dropper along the footpath across the field and under the trees, and noticably of the same brand 'Fosters' and quite often a coop bag with the empty box is left at the finstock end!! It is a shame that people come here to enjoy the countryside but then don't leave it in a nice condition for others to enjoy.

David Green

Fri 11 Jan 2013, 09:28

I regularly walk the boundary of Lee Place and was shocked to discover so much rubbish (more than normal) thrown into the hedge on Park Street and Hixet Wood. I found three bikes and at least a hundred or so beer cans plus a whole load of undesirables. The capping stones have also been vandalised on one wall - these are very difficult to replace. Below is a link to a few pictures from yesterday. If anyone recognises the bikes, I would happily deliver them back to their rightful owners. It is such a shame when so many people enjoy walks around Charlbury and are faced with this.

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