Are we supposed to be voting ?

Philip Ambrose

Sat 17 Nov 2012, 09:16

I voted for Geoff Howard an Independent candidate as I feel that one should keep politics out of policing. Seems that sentiment was fairly widespread nationwide as independents fared pretty well.

Personally, I could not see what was wrong with the existing system. One could have given the Chair of the Police Authority a bit more clout to put him / her on an equal footing with the Chief Constable, job done without these expensive elections whose low turnouts tarnish the concept of democracy.

russell robson

Fri 16 Nov 2012, 18:09

I actually email all the candidate, and got one reply!

However I think the message from most of their publicity was. Police - good, Crime - bad. And then it went a bit thin on the ground because they didn't have any idea of what resources they would have, what sanctions they had, and role they really fulfilled, oh and who they actual answered to!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 16 Nov 2012, 12:55

What surprises me is that in an election fought almost entirely on party lines, none of the local parties seems to have made any attempt to inform us of what their candidates stood for or to gather support.

Mind you, I don't think the word 'fought' is very appropriate, when most candidates remained well outside the ring!

John Dora

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:47

This election will lead to a Commissioner with no popular support.

Surely this warrants many more signatures on the e-petition to abandon the concept, see

Peter Evans

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 22:38

Unfortunately this election will just be decided based on tribal political votes. None of the candidates has provided sufficient information to enable an elector to make an informed vote.

For those who did vote, how could you decide?

Kat Patrick

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 21:49

Who? What?

Helen Wilkinson

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 19:56

I have always exercised my right to vote and feel we all should do so - until today. Not only has there been no communication from the candidates, but very little local media coverage either. It seems the only way to find out is to be proactive and research on the internet - if you feel motivated to do so. I am completely disengaged from the whole process.

Andrew Greenfield

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 19:30

Sorry Susie. This isn't apathy, it is simply that I have seen nothing about any of the candidates for whom I am supposed to be voting, and therefore feel that I am totally unable to make an informed choice. It is now too late, and I do not have time now to read about and judge the candidates on the information provided on those sites.

I think this whole election has been a complete disaster, and will perhaps make those who though it was such a good idea think again.

Were we all supposed to go searching for information on the candidates? Will the winners, with maybe as small a proportion of the potential vote as 4% be given the post, or will it be accepted by the organisers that the whole election has been a total waste of OUR time, and of course, OUR money, and that there is, therefore, no mandate to elect anybody.

I am very disappointed with the way this has been run, and for the first time in my life I feel I am not able to vote in this farce of an election.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 18:00

Well there are alot of apathetic people in Charlbury!!! Went to vote at 5pm and I was number 100!!!

Mike Williams

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 15:05

I agree with you Charlie. But that's why I advocate spoiling the paper, rather than not turning up at the polling station. Perceived apathy can only play into the hands of those that seek to rule us.

Charlie M

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 14:02

To Susie: That is an argument that I use myself! But in my view it is only justified in relation to elections that have some meaning! I believe that today's "election" has about as much meaning as elections in China or the ol;d Soviet Union. As I said before, it is a scam, intended to make us think that they are releasing "power" to us. They are not.

Mike Williams

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 13:37

Firstly: My view (for what it's worth) is that a spoilt ballot paper is much more poignant than a refusal to vote. It implies thought rather than apathy. I think the biggest protest about the way this election has been carried out would be a high turn out with a vast number of spoilt ballot papers.

Secondly: Lack of information and campaigning may lead people to vote on a party political basis (what else do we really have to go on?). How ironic when this is supposed to be an apolitical appointment.

The cynic in me thinks that this has been set up to fail. If it genuinely hasn't, it still turns out to be an object lesson in "How Not to Engage or Inform the Public". Very disappointing.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 13:31

Thanks for links etc, I have a feeling that the turnout is going to be very low having looked at the people standing.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 13:24

However in response to Charlie, I will be voting - people died so that we can vote!

Charlie M

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 13:06

As far as I am concerned, this is just a scam by Cameron's mob to make us think that we're being given more "power" by giving us a vote in something that should not be political in the first place. My decision is torn between going to vote and spoiling my ballot paper and not voting at all. On balance, I think I shall not be voting.

Katie Ewer

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 12:12

I emailed each of the candidates using the contact details on the page below asking for their opinions on a particular issue as we had also only had one leaflet through the post. I only got a reply from three of the candidates, which I think is a pretty poor show. Sadly, I think the lack of campaigning will contribute to a very low turnout and a subsequently weak mandate for the PCC.

Valou Pakenham-Walsh

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 11:57

You will find some information on

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 11:55

If you go to and type in your post code, it lists those who are standing in our area and splurg on each of them. We have only received one piece of paper through the door. Personally I think these appointments should be non-political but that's just my opinion. And yes, we are meant to be voting in the usual way.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Thu 15 Nov 2012, 11:31

Are we supposed to be voting for a police boss today if so does anyone know who they are ?

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