Cultivate Oxford veg van - putting out some feelers....

Emily Algar

Tue 10 Jul 2012, 19:33 (last edited on Tue 10 Jul 2012, 19:34)

After discussing Organic Veg/Fruit with a colleague at my new job, I have discovered that he is the one of the founders of the Cultivate Oxford veg van! Small world, eh! He's lovely and really serious about Organic Veg and delivering it locally at affordable prices. I really think this could be a lovely idea for Charlbury.

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Mon 25 Jun 2012, 17:37

They're a not-for-profit co-operative who are trying to increase the availability of local veg - so I'd imagine they'd be interested in ways of working with current local outlets, and at the very least wouldn't want to undermine/undercut anyone.

They're planning to do once-a-week visits with a van (a bit like the fish man but with veg, so a tie-in would be good), so it would be a bit like having a tiny weekly market, rather than the veg-box model.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 25 Jun 2012, 10:51

The Cultivate Oxford veg van does sound interesting. Two ideas for times: an evening when station commuters (and others working in the day) can use it; or a Tuesday afternoon to tie in with the fish van.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 25 Jun 2012, 10:40 (last edited on Mon 25 Jun 2012, 21:10)

Skylark Organics (formerly Chipping Norton Organics) already deliver weekly from their organic farm near Bromsgrove, either premixed boxes or from a shopping list they email you each week. Good service, and produce from other suppliers and imports where not otherwise available.

James Burrough

Mon 25 Jun 2012, 07:58

Great idea as long as it doesn't overlap real local business. If the Deli has the produce already, it would be a bad idea. If it hasn't, perhaps it could take on produce from the van, which twofold would mean the van could serve more communities and the deli gets more trade

Matthew Greenfield

Sun 24 Jun 2012, 16:51

I think that it looks a really good idea. If there was a set day that the van visited Charlbury I would definitely use it...

Lynne Stubbles

Fri 22 Jun 2012, 17:49

you may be interested in the veg at charlbury deli and cafe.we have local asparagus and rhubarb, english broad beans and beetroot

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Fri 22 Jun 2012, 15:47


I was wondering whether other Charlbury people would be interested in this: - it's a new Oxfordshire venture to increase access to locally-grown food.

They say about themselves: 'We are a not-for-profit social enterprise bringing fresh, local, organically-grown food direct from farmers to the city and surrounding communities. The VegVan mobile greengrocery launches in July, selling produce from our five-acre market garden and other local producers.'

I met some of them a couple of weeks ago in Oxford at their stall - the project sounds very interesting and the veg was lovely; I know I'd be interested in buying from them regularly. What are people's thoughts on suggesting a Charlbury delivery - places, times, frequency, etc.?

Many thanks,


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