Gardening in Charlbury August 2011

Peter Bridgman

Thu 18 Aug 2011, 10:26

Some more comments, Wasps much in evidence this year, we know they can be a nuisance and are dangerous to some people but they are doing a wonderful job keeping caterpillars away from my brassicas. The worst pest this year is white fly which comes up in clouds when I brush the plants. I don't think any of the available chemicals will control them. If anyone wishes to visit my garden or veg plot to see how I do things, give me a ring first 810184. Don't expect everything to be pristine and weed free!

Peter Bridgman

Thu 18 Aug 2011, 10:14

I agree with Simon, it looks as though Jeans mystery plants are squashes, probably Summer squash which means they need to be eaten as soon as they are fully grown as they are unlikely to keep into the Winter. Tomatoes are having a better season than for several years, no blight so far but todays rain may change things. Along with my favourite variety, Shirley I have grown one from DT Brown called Vanessa It looks very promising with large trusses of big tasty fruits. They are up to the roof in my glasshouse but I did not have enough to plant any outdoors. A bush variety called Shady Lady looks interesting in a big pot outdoors It is producing big meaty fruits like those from the Med, nice texture and taste,also from Brown.

Simon Walker

Wed 17 Aug 2011, 11:00

Jean - if the mystery zucchini/squash are growing on rampant plants, then my guess is that they are squashes. Our experience thus far is that zucchini (courgettes) - which are, after all, mini-marrows - grow on less vigorous plants, whereas squashes and pumpkins will take over as much of the garden as they can - if you let them.

Jean Adams

Tue 16 Aug 2011, 18:29

I have posted a picture on Adverts of two Zucchini that I am desperate to identify. If you can help please ring 810333 or email;

Sue Normand

Tue 9 Aug 2011, 19:26

We've had some green and yellow courgettes, and peas being shelled nearby for supper...

Helen Holwill

Tue 9 Aug 2011, 18:27

Roast the fennel root in a bit of olive oil and a few spices. Yum. Could even throw in a few of your tomatoes in the last ten minutes.

Jody O'Reilly

Tue 9 Aug 2011, 15:51

Nine Acres Close is doing well too - have been eating handfulls of runner and french beans for a while now and have even had the first small handful of my tomatoes, outdoors against my sunny back wall. Cucumbers also being eaten one at a time... butternut squash is still teeny tiny but it's there - hope it will have time to grow before the cold comes. Isn't it all rewarding! :~)

David Homewood

Mon 1 Aug 2011, 16:26

Just finished picking broad beans, carrots in tubs have been excellent, beetroot growing well and leeks planted out. Tomatoes looking well so far.
Cotswold View

Stuart Moss

Mon 1 Aug 2011, 16:18

All seems to be going well up Hixet Wood! over 2 lbs of runners so far and looks like loads more to come, 4 lbs of gooseberries, loads of spuds from the earlies, fennel almost ready (no idea what to do with it though as nevger grown it before! Any ideas?)first of the toms picked, about 5 decent courgettes picked so far (not doing as well as last year though, cooking apples looking great for a good harvest as are my three small eaters and the squashes are getting big!

Geoff Holmberg

Mon 1 Aug 2011, 12:49

Summer - yippee. But we must keep watering - particularly those squashes which take an enormous amount. But also don't forget the hoe can be an effective watering can - it makes a dust mulch which restricts evaporation.
Also don't forget to water the runner beans - my uncle used to grow them in his nursery years ago and would flood the whole greenhouse from time to time.

Noticed Monty Don was just starting to pick his greenhouse tomatoes. Not too far ahead of me I'm pleased to say - I'll start picking this weekend.

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