BBC Oxford

John Munro

Fri 20 May 2011, 19:54

From a very selfish and personal perspective (and I know it wouldn't find favour up here), I prefer the Solent broadcasts because they cover the area we used to live in and also provide sports news for 'my' football team!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 20 May 2011, 16:45

No, that's an optional extra. You have signed it.

Graham Chamberlain

Fri 20 May 2011, 15:48

It seems you are required to pay something to sign this petition

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 20 May 2011, 14:13

For those who aren't feeling all petition-ed out, here's another one relevant to Charlbury: Save local BBC news.

The BBC is considering closing its Oxford "opt-out" that provides local TV news. The news would then be broadcast from Southampton.

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