Can you email your doctor?

Stephen Andrews

Thu 24 Feb 2011, 09:48

Charlbury has this web based system as well - EMIS - which was set up about a year ago, aso there must be an electronic communication route in existence (and it works!). Whilst there may well be issues of security for sensitive issues, it would be good to have the existing system developed to use with an electronic calendar so that at least appointments could be booked without hanging on the phone and tying up the reception staff.

Nick Johnson

Wed 23 Feb 2011, 15:32

Jon The White House surgery in Chippy does not use email except for repeat perscriptions but has a very useful telephone consultation service

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 23 Feb 2011, 09:47

The Charlbury doctors and nurses cannot be emailed. If you want some information from your doctor, s/he dictates a letter, it is typed up and eventually posted. It cannot be emailed. If you want to email a question or information to your doctor you cannot.

What experiences do people have of other surgeries? Can other practices be contacted by email? If so, has it been of benefit to you?

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