Sean Woodcock February 25: Monthly Column

Sean Woodcock MP
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Tue 4 Feb, 12:28

Sean Woodcock MP Monthly Column

It’s been a busy start to 2025 with lots going on in parliament and across the constituency.

One thing I’ve really enjoyed however, is getting out and seeing more of our area and meeting individuals and businesses; particularly in our rural areas.

Recently I spoke in a debate on rural services about how robust and innovative rural areas are and that is very clear from the conversations that I have been having with people here.

Because poverty is not limited to cities and towns. Indeed lack of service provision whether transport, the main topic of the debate in the House or community infrastructure, can mean that poverty is exacerbated further.

But whether it is tackling flooding, providing more resources for the local school or getting locals to hospital appointments; people in the rural areas have shown remarkable resilience.

That’s why I am so keen on championing the many examples of brilliant community-led infrastructure that we have here. The Barton Buses, Southhill Solar Farm, and the Community Land Trusts we see opening up following the success of the one we have in Hook Norton.

As conversations around local government reorganisation and devolution take place rural voices must continue to be heard. The important role played by parish and town councils in keeping our communities going cannot be underestimated. A strengthened role for the lowest level of government can only be welcomed as an enabler of citizen participation.

The path to growth, the central mission of this government, is through rural areas and I know that people here want to play their part. But change must be by, with and for people not done to them. A message that I will keep hammering home to government.

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