Mark Sulik |
Thu 6 Feb, 13:06 Probably just the property where the cones are located ? - or like everyone else, find another space and walk ! |
Amanda |
Thu 6 Feb, 11:59 I will stop whining now and refrain from commenting on this forum! 🤣 |
Amanda |
Thu 6 Feb, 11:57 Jan going am I expected to knock on every door in Sheep Street to establish if its ok for me to remove the cones to park on a public highway? Seriously! The point is they are not meant to be there! |
Devinder Sivia |
Thu 6 Feb, 09:48 Speaking as a pedant, off-topic but related to the use of the now common phrase "First world", the third in "Third world" does not denote a third-rate or third-class economy. The term was coined to denote a political category of "other countries", during the post WWII cold-war era, to differntiate them from the other two blocks of countries: East and West, rather than First or Second. |
Mark Sulik |
Thu 6 Feb, 09:19 (last edited on Thu 6 Feb, 13:04) Looks like a storm in a tea cup ! The need to secure space for lorry / delivery, needs to be the day before Otherwise the space will be occupied. Well done Ben for not having noisy cones Moaning about traffic and noise in a town centre, well - this is the result of buying a property in close proximity to such establishments. |
Jan Going |
Thu 6 Feb, 07:58 Its very strange that people have to resort to this site to whinge about cones, parking, etc. Why not approach the owner of the offending house directly? First world problems! |
Amanda |
Thu 6 Feb, 07:40 Thank you for you honesty Ben and I'm glad it's not because you have been saving yourself a parking space! |
Gareth Epps |
Wed 5 Feb, 23:03 Fair play Ben. As an issue it’s dwarfed by the impact of illegal parking by visitors to your neighbours. |
Ben Cottam |
Wed 5 Feb, 19:56 (last edited on Wed 5 Feb, 19:57) Hello Everyone, Apologies, I am the guilty party. We do indeed have renovation work ongoing at the rear of our property and we have had several deliveries of materials in the last couple of days (and occasionally last year), hence the cones (they are owned by our builders and not mine personally!). It is only done occasionally and certainly not to reserve a spot for our private car! Appreciate it could be inconvenient given the paucity of parking in the town centre, but hopefully people can bear with us on the odd occasion. Best wishes, Ben |
Amanda |
Wed 5 Feb, 15:24 Well I would like to think it was for unloading purposes but it has been like that every Monday evening for weeks, hence my questioning.I can't say that it is only Mondays but it is only Mondays when I need to collect my grandson with SEN and I can't park close by because of the cones. Now I know it's not legal, I will simply remove them and park in this enormous car parking space as there is rarely any parking spaces in Co-op or at the Community Centre at that time of the day.😁 |
Richard Fairhurst
(site admin) |
Wed 5 Feb, 15:18 (last edited on Wed 5 Feb, 15:20) I quite like the road cones. They don’t park on the pavement, they don’t rev their engine outside my house at silly o’clock, they don’t block the bus from getting through, they don’t sit with their engine idling for two hours because the chauffeur is a bit cold while his employer is having a nice meal in the pub, and they never exceed 20mph. A lot of Charlbury drivers could learn from their example. #bemoreroadcone |
Ray Jones |
Wed 5 Feb, 14:44 I'd like to know of any builders merchant or scaffold company prepared to deliver after 6.00 pm. which is when photo was taken? |
James Styring |
Tue 4 Feb, 21:49 There have been a lot of building materials deliveries to that house lately, presumably they had/have a delivery coming and don't want to block the main carriageway while they unload it. I don't suppose it is a permanent plan to disrupt locals' lives nor Bull customers' enjoyment of the country's '11th best gastropub'! ( |
Rob Stepney |
Tue 4 Feb, 18:57 If habitual, it would be the street-etiquette equivalent to the towel on the sun lounger tactic. |
Mark Sulik |
Tue 4 Feb, 08:14 If the situation is of a regular and repetitive pattern to ‘ reserve ‘ a parking space , then this is a different scenario. If ‘ set aside’ for a particular need , like delivery, erection of scaffold , then acceptable in the world of common sense. |
Simon J Harley |
Tue 4 Feb, 07:23 If people parked properly, i.e taking one space instead of two, these cones may not be necessary? Also, if people only parked vehicles that they actually intended to use and not just park for months on end without moving, this would also help. |
Angus B |
Mon 3 Feb, 23:19 (last edited on Mon 3 Feb, 23:19) I know of at least three residences in Charlbury where cones are put outside in the (public) road in order, it seems, to reserve a space for electrically charging a vehicle. |
Simon J Harley |
Mon 3 Feb, 20:41 Was it in the tv series, Bread, where they used to do this? Maybe the Boswells have moved in? |
Amanda |
Mon 3 Feb, 20:00 I'm not convinced it's illegal to remove the cones as they were not put there for health and safety reasons just someone's arrogance to think that they have a right to reserve a road for themselves!! |
Mark Sulik |
Mon 3 Feb, 19:22 Obviously there for a reason !? Falling slates , Delivery or moving house ? Or reserved for Range Rover parking only ! Ask the occupants of the property to satisfy your curiosity? |
Charlie M |
Mon 3 Feb, 18:27 No, it's not illegal. |
Amanda |
Mon 3 Feb, 18:13 Is it legal to stop cars parking on a public highway ? There are no double yellows and I'm guessing the person that does this doesn't own the road? |
Amanda |
Mon 3 Feb, 18:10 ![]() |
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