Harriet Baldwin |
Mon 17 Feb, 08:30 It isn't progress. I have vestibular issues and can't always use screens and somewhere along the line it's become normalised for me to have to ask staff for help vs the company making an accessible option. Asking staff for help is not improving accessibility. |
Alison Nicholls |
Sun 16 Feb, 20:42 I suspect people’s different experience of the NHS App depends on whether or not they travelled during COVID. The Passenger Locator and its codes and vaccine records required the NHS App and the I suspect the App still recognises you even if you need a new password. I updated my sister in law’s NHS App yesterday quite easily, we last used it to travel during Covid. She can now order her medications on-line. Meanwhile we now employ a PA for my mother as at 93 she can no longer cope with authentication , she cannot find the One Time Password OTP and return to the page to type it in correctly in the time given. Always ends in tearful phone calls otherwise. The PA orders her medications with her via the NHS App. It works but my mother does not see this system as progress. |
Hannen Beith |
Sun 16 Feb, 16:44 Excellent Sandy! I'm so pleased for you, not least because that's one less for me to worry about! :-) I love Emily's suggestion. Spot on. I'm confused as to why you had the same experience as me, and yet others have to jump through hoops. |
Sandy Fairhurst |
Sun 16 Feb, 15:34 Hannen, I’m glad to read you were successful in the end re helping others to install the NHS App. I have just done this today for myself, and was expecting photo of driving licence etc to be asked for, but no, I downloaded the app from my App store, entered my email address made a password and apart from pasting in the security numbers messaged to me, everything else was a matter of ticking boxes and entering very straightforward info eg. NHS number ( found on prescriptions) and other straightforward personal details. Must admit I breathed a sigh of relief that it had been so simple! |
Emily Algar |
Sun 16 Feb, 15:18 I agree with you Hannen. Technology in itself is great, but unless you bring everyone along on the journey, then as you say, you will end marginalising people. What should have happened is, the different medical centres should have contacted all their patients, preferably by letter, telling them what was going to happen and if the patient wanted to continue ordering prescriptions by phone, then to let their medical centre know. Rather than this rushed, half-hearted attempt that is going on now. Maybe there could be a session in the Community Centre where someone from the NHS can show people have to a) set up the NHS App and b) how to navigate it. |
Hannen Beith |
Sun 16 Feb, 15:13 (last edited on Sun 16 Feb, 15:13) Hi Nikki! Well. I shall be careful, as this is a topic which, in my opinion, is far too important to be relegated to "Debate", although that decision is, of course, up to the moderators. After all, we are talking about vulnerable members of our Town, who have physical and mental needs. Having spent several hours over the past 10 days trying to help (ultimately successfully) two citizens put the NHS app on their phones, I have learned that it really is not straightforward. Passports or Driving Licenses are required (they weren't when I installed the app, some years ago). Photos of the ID have to be taken and uploaded, then a "selfie" (which will lock you out if the computer says "no"). Really. This is no way to treat anyone, let alone the vulnerable. You also need their NHS number! "Those very few patients who do not use the internet," Really? please show me the stats. "get a relative, friend or neighbour to do it for them". Well that assumes that they have such, and also that they are not proud and don't care about sharing their confidential information. I have a suggestion, as I am fast becoming worn out with helping. Can the CMC not help? After all, there is (I understand) a budget for interpreters and carers (dementia carers springs to mind). This would be a one off in each case and would be a positive move to the Brave New World the NHS appears to exhort for us all. Thank you. |
Nikki Rycroft |
Sun 16 Feb, 14:33 To revert to the original thread…….. the Patient Group has been in touch with the CMC since this has happened regarding our concern for those very few patients who do not use the internet, and are not able to put their repeat prescription request slips in the white box, or get a relative, friend or neighbour to do it for them once a month. |
Hannen Beith |
Sat 15 Feb, 17:02 Thank you Emily and Michael. The point I was trying to make (and which Stephen has made) in my clumsy way, is that the increasing drift to IT only services is marginalising a significant, and growing proportion of our population. I am part of that sector, but I have a small advantage in that in the 1980's I built several PC's, learnt BASIC programming - both as hobbies! I've also owned PCs, MACs, iPhones, iPads, and so on. As I mentioned elsewhere I was, until relatively recently, an approved AGE UK computer coach, a voluntary post which I used to discharge at Charlbury library. However, things move on at such a pace. It's bewildering, even to me. The NHS app, I can cope with, and many others, but the HMRC app defeated me last week, I think it was the Government Gateway thing. I don't think people realise that quite apart from skill, aptitude, and enthusiasm, one needs mental energy. Having said that, I did manage to set up the latest generation Fire Stick on our Smart TV last week, so all is not lost. |
Michael Flanagan |
Sat 15 Feb, 16:35 Emily & Hannan: There was far, far, far more to the Horizon problem than bad software. If anyone ever writes a fully-rounded book about it (I've been trying to for years and keep stumbling over different complications) they'll describe mismanagement on a colossal scale, throughout the entire PO/Royal Mail/Treasury/Business Department/client Ministries that can't seriously be blamed on any one group of people By comparison, the NHS prescription request problem is simple: what looks simple to an IT department is close on impossible for many of the NHS's heaviest users. But 15 years of potty George Osborne-inspired budget cuts is putting pressure on surgeries that surgery staff really must know is probably creating even more costs than savings from the new IT.. |
Emily Algar |
Sat 15 Feb, 11:37 As someone who works in cyber, the issue is not that password managers or multi-factor authentication is bad, it is how these tools are communicated to the public and how accessible those communications are. Password managers are brilliant - Apple now have their own on the newer iPhones. Not sure about Android. Multi-factor authentication is also a great way to protect your data. But again, companies assume we all know how to set it up and leave us to get on with it, which as you all rightly say, not everyone does know how to set it up or use it to their advantage. Regarding Barclays, that was a technical issue, not a cyber attack, so nothing to do with password managers etc. The Horizon/Post Office was down to a bad set of software. I agree that a "one size fits all" mentality is bad. I know Chipping Norton Medical Centre has done the same thing has Charlbury, but they do say that if you are unable to reorder prescriptions online then they will find a workaround. However, it would have been helpful for the workaround to have been implemented before the new process came into play, and then easy to understand instructions were sent to patients. |
Hannen Beith |
Sat 15 Feb, 10:25 (last edited on Sat 15 Feb, 10:25) Well said Stephen. I've noticed an alarming (growing) set of assumptions around IT. E,g, "They'll get used to it"; "Why don't you use a Password Manager?". One only has to look at the numerous IT "mishaps" e.g. Horizon, Barclays, (and they're just the ones we know about) to realise that it's an area full of elephant traps for the unwary. |
stephen cavell |
Sat 15 Feb, 09:22 Alison your post reinforces my long held belief that the NHS determination to cut costs by going on line and using smart phones does not work for everyone. I have even had experience of it not working between different units of the NHS network itself. When will they ever learn? The communication from CPG blandly says "the CPG is taking it up with our regions Integrated Care Board & Healthwatch Oxfordshire " - meanwhile patients cannot access their medicine. Although it is said to be a nation wide policy do medical practices have to blindly implement it when they know some of their patients are going to be disadvantaged. Cannot CMC tailor the implementation to suit; so that those who can follow the no telephone requirement do as requested and those who are unable to are catered for by keeping the lines open. Don't put us all in the same box; one size does not fit all |
Alison Nicholls |
Fri 14 Feb, 19:29 I am very concerned about the difficulties now encountered by patients seeking their repeat prescriptions. Many will be unaware of the discussion on this forum as they do not use the internet. I understand Chipping Norton Health Centre and Charlbury Medical Centre now no longer accept telephone requests for repeat… |
stephen cavell |
Sun 9 Feb, 11:46 I am interested to note from my latest communication from the Charlbury Patient Group (CPG) that the 'Change in procedure for Repeat Prescriptions' is in fact a national policy not simply a CMC edict. The email goes on to say that AgeUK is taking the issue up with NHS England. A member of CPG is taking it up with our regions Integrated Care Board and Healthwatch Oxfordshire. |
Alex Flynn |
Thu 6 Feb, 22:23 To Stephen, |
stephen cavell |
Thu 6 Feb, 11:42 Thanks for all the advice on this thread. Hannen you are the only one to have suggested a solution for the IT semi-illiterate amongst us. I got as far as having my photo refused - I hope the CMC is listening to your suggestion. There are however still those who do not have access to a computer. Surely it is not beyond the wit of the CMC to to make special arrangements for that group. Meanwhile I am changing my epitaph from the Spike Milligan - "I told you I was ill" to "You told me I was ill but I couldn't get the pills" |
Hannen Beith |
Wed 5 Feb, 13:28 I was thinking more of a "drop in" service. After all, many of us (especially the age group under consideration) have mobility issues. There's also the early onset dementia to be taken into account. There used to be District Nurses who kept an eye on people. I'm not sure if they are still with us. |
Rachel Brushfield |
Wed 5 Feb, 12:37 Charlbury Library (located in the Charlbury Community centre) in the Spendlove centre near the Coop have a Digital Helper service on a Monday with Susie Finch. Contact direct. You can book an appointment or pop in. See link for more information: https://www.charlburycommunitycentre.org.uk/ Or check for info on www.charlbury.info under the Events tab by date |
Hannen Beith |
Wed 5 Feb, 12:09 I've had the NHS app on my iPhone and laptop for years. It's a godsend. I'm lucky enough to be computer literate and was until fairly recently an accredited AGE UK coach at Charlbury Library. Voluntary. Like others, I'm concerned that a large chunk of our population is being disenfranchised by the "digital age". I wonder if someone with more brains than me could set up a roaming "digital helper" in Charlbury - perhaps under the auspices of Age UK? After all, we are talking about some vulnerable adults. |
Christine Battersby |
Wed 5 Feb, 09:43 Stephen, Information about the NHS app is here: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/ The nhs login is used for a variety of services. See here: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/nhs-login/websites-and-apps-you-can-access-with-nhs-login/ But THE (not A) NHS app is the one that is being recommended for repeat prescriptions. The Patient Access app is not on that list, and is not actually an NHS app, but can be used as an alternative to THE NHS app if you prefer. I believe Patient Access is being gradually phased out, so THE NHS app would be better if you can manage to install it and if it meets your needs. If your online NHS account has been severed, you need to set up a new digital login by changing your password and/or email address. Details here: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/nhs-login/ NB you won't need to provide the "high-level of proof" as to who you are to be able to use the NHS app for things like ordering repeat prescriptions or booking vaccinations or seeing which Covid vaccinations you have received. There's a help option on that page. Don't hesitate to use it if you need to. I had to, and it sorted out my problems very quickly. Given how many things the NHS app is used for, you should be pleased about the fact that security is taken so seriously! If you really hate all digital contact and are fit enough to walk or drive as far as the CMC surgery, don't forget you can leave your ticked repeat paper request slip in the letterbox outside the surgery. Or if you are happy to use email, you can email your repeat prescription request to bobicb-ox.cmc.dispensary@nhs.net |
stephen cavell |
Wed 5 Feb, 07:52 Help. What is an 'NHS App'? Is it anything to do with the letter I received from the 'noreply@login.nhs.uk' on 21March 2024 telling me my login account had been severed because of non-use. Have I been cut off from all on-line contact with the NHS? Very bewildering. It is much nicer to have a voice on the end of a phone line. |
Helen Josephine Wright |
Tue 4 Feb, 23:16 If you have the NHS App it will have a list of all your medication, Appointments, Referrals, Health information etc. I find it easier to request meds & see my details. Also recently whilst Poole Hospital the doctor was unable to provide my usual medication as currently none of the hospitals & surgery apps / online services liaise together. He asked if I had an NHS App on my phone, fortunately I did & he was able to order my medication promptly. |
Alex Flynn |
Tue 4 Feb, 14:26 (last edited on Tue 4 Feb, 14:26) The CMC website states :"If none of the options above work for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team, and we will endeavour to find the right solution for you." |
Alex Flynn |
Tue 4 Feb, 09:20 (last edited on Tue 4 Feb, 09:22) To use the Patient Access app again you have to get Charlbury Medical Centre's permission (more form filling I'm afraid) and take in proof of address/ID. Apparently a bill is enough - except most billing is online these days! I don't think anyone has thought any of this through as usual! And the receptionists are forced to tow the company line! |
Sarah Geeson Brown |
Mon 3 Feb, 22:28 Yes Helen, it's an app called Patient Access. On it you will find your medication list, previous repeat requests, plus upcoming appointments. It's somehow linked to or managed by NHS. |
Helen Chapman |
Mon 3 Feb, 21:16 Thanks for responding to my query Helen. I will try the option to request for someone else. I don’t expect I’ll be able to see a list of his medication doing it that way though. Could people also clarify that it is definitely the NHS app that should be use?. In the past I’ve logged in to the epatient access site (I think I have remembered that correctly) to order medication. |
Nikki Rycroft |
Mon 3 Feb, 20:23 (last edited on Mon 3 Feb, 20:25) We are liaising with the Practice in order to consider the best way we can support anyone affected by this change , which is similarly affecting many other Oxfordshire practices . Charlbury Patient Group |
Christine Battersby |
Mon 3 Feb, 09:51 Stephen, I am posting again the link to CMC's news page about how to order repeat prescriptions: https://www.thecharlburymedicalcentre.nhs.uk/patientnews/65e5aaba76aa66f24ba729a0 You'll find the information buried on that page, under the heading "Prescription Requests". I do recommend using the NHS app if you can. I know it took me some time to set up, but CMC should be able to help you to do so and enable the necessary permissions. But in my case (now several years ago) it wasn't straightforward, and in the end I had to contact the NHS app login support to get it sorted out. That worked well. Until the NHS app is set up for repeat prescriptions there are other options, including the rather clunky Patient Access app and also a straightforward email address, both listed on that page. As I understand things, under the new guidelines many patients won't need to order each month, as the new electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) system allows patients to automatically receive their regular medication without having to request a prescription from their doctor each time. That won't apply to those whose prescription might vary each month or where there is an international shortage of the medicine. There are probably other limitations as well. In my case, nothing has changed and I have been able to order my repeat prescriptions as normal via the NHS app. |
stephen cavell |
Mon 3 Feb, 07:25 All as clear as mud. |
Alex Flynn |
Sun 2 Feb, 23:20 This is about ordering prescriptions from a bona fide source Simon Hogg |
Simon Hogg |
Sun 2 Feb, 21:27 You can have prescriptions dealt with and delivered by Royal Mail. |
Alex Flynn |
Sun 2 Feb, 21:02 (last edited on Sun 2 Feb, 21:07) If you log into the app it seems you need the GP's permission to order repeat prescriptions We were so unprepared for this! "We need to connect your NHS login to your GP surgery. This is so you can use your NHS account" is the message it gives you. It then says "Connect to your GP surgery" -- you click it and you get an error message and get told to "ask your GP surgery to check if you are able to use their online services" |
Alex Flynn |
Sun 2 Feb, 20:44 (last edited on Mon 3 Feb, 08:44) "Why not phone the staff who take repeat prescription requests and ask to speak to the clinical pharmacist, rather than having to channel the request through the reception staff?" |
Alex Flynn |
Sun 2 Feb, 20:19 Great one NHS - change a system that has worked well for years just to save a dime or two! |
Valerie Stewart |
Sun 2 Feb, 19:10 Why not phone the staff who take repeat prescription requests and ask to speak to the clinical pharmacist, rather than having to channel the request through the reception staff? They could extend the hours during which repeat prescriptions can be requests (currently it's afternoons only, if I recall correctly). Another thought: if the repeat requests are exactly the same for each time period, put them on some kind of automatic renewal; then have the clinical pharmacist telephone a few days in advance to check that they're still needed? Doesn't solve every problem, but it does for routine requests. |
Christine Battersby |
Sun 2 Feb, 18:52 Hans, As I understand it one needs to phone the CMC reception. The number given online is 01608 811680. The clinical pharmacist will probably call you back rather than be immediately available on the phone. The page about it is here: https://www.thecharlburymedicalcentre.nhs.uk/appointments There can be quite a wait to speak to the receptionist, so try to chose a time that isn't too busy. |
Helen Josephine Wright |
Sun 2 Feb, 18:50 In reply to Helen Chapman, mentioning ordering meds for her son. On my NHS there is a note: ordering for another person - they obviously need to be a CMC patient as well. It certainly is an App easy to install & use. BUT online again as all previously discussed. I have needed CMC twice this week & always thank the receptionists, as mentioned we are SO lucky to have CMC - almost all issues are due to government intervention. |
Hans Eriksson |
Sun 2 Feb, 17:24 The last one: "make a telephone appointment with our clinical pharmacists to discuss queries". It does not appear to say what number to call. Or have I missed something? |
Christine Battersby |
Sat 1 Feb, 17:54 (last edited on Sat 1 Feb, 20:15) Yes. The prescription link is right, Valerie, but really hard to find. On the right side of the page you will see the private prescription stuff. On the left side you will see Prescription Requests, plus an arrow going down. Click on the arrow and the message comes up. (On my phone it's located above the private stuff.) I'm pasting the text below. It's missing a few of the clickable links: We understand that some patients, especially the elderly, may prefer to order medications by phone due to unfamiliarity with or unavailability of other options. Please rest assured that we will assist you every step of the way to ensure that you receive all of your medication orders. After switching off the telephone reordering process on 28/01/2025, the following options are available for you to reorder your medications. using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App) using the GP online system: Patient Access email bobicb-ox.cmc.dispensary@nhs.net leave your ticked repeat request slip in the letterbox outside the surgery via our website https://www.thecharlburymedicalcentre.nhs.uk/ make a telephone appointment with our clinical pharmacists to discuss queries If none of the options above work for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team, and we will endeavour to find the right solution for you.>> |
Valerie Stewart |
Sat 1 Feb, 17:12 Christine, are you sure about that reference? When I click on it I'm taken to an information page about provision of NHS prescriptions to patients of private providers. |
Valerie Stewart |
Sat 1 Feb, 17:09 Hi Rachel, Having worked in a number of customer-facing organisations where they get more kicks than ha'pence I make a point of adding 'Thank you' in the comments page when ordering repeat prescriptions on line. And to the nurses and doctors when I see them, which isn't very often. 'Thank you for looking after us' to the staff in the pharmacy. 'Thank you for keeping me safe' to the heroes at New Barn Garage. 'If you weren't good at your job I wouldn't be any good at mine,' for the grocery delivery people. I even used to thank the train driver in the days when I used them. End of virtue signalling. I'm off for a few weeks of ox-coveting and adultery, just to keep things balanced. |
Christine Battersby |
Sat 1 Feb, 16:25 In terms of positive news, I would point out that there is now a notice on the CMC website about the new procedures. It's not very easy to find, but it is here: https://www.thecharlburymedicalcentre.nhs.uk/patientnews/65e5aaba76aa66f24ba729a0 It would be unfortunate if this thread were to be moved into the debate section, Rachel. It's an important topic, and the question of how to deal with repeat prescriptions needs sorting out for those who can't use the NHS app or get to the CMC post-box in person. Perhaps that notice was there before, or perhaps it has just been added, but it shows that CMC have recognised the problem. You ask if those complaining have noticed the new messaging screens. In my case, the answer is "no", because for a long time now everything has been done either online or on the telephone. And this also means that I haven't thanked those working in CMC, or asked them how they feel. I don't think I've seen a local GP in person (apart from for vaccinations in the Football Club Building) since Covid, although an emergency locum did come out to my home in 2022. And I haven't seen a nurse for blood pressure or blood checks since Spring 2023. I've occasionally been in to CMC to pick up some forms and the like, but that's all. This is not really a complaint, but the new systems for consultations and repeat prescriptions mean that only a few patients will be actually going into CMC, and that means that the GPs can feel very remote. |
Helen Chapman |
Sat 1 Feb, 16:03 Most of the repeat prescription calls I make are for my son, who I don’t see records for when I log in to my medical account. It would be handy to know if anyone else has been able to set up an online account for their kids. Rachel, I would say this is an important issue that potentially marginalises a particular section of society. And local to Charlbury - people should be able to raise concerns here. |
Rachel Brushfield |
Sat 1 Feb, 13:41 We are really lucky to have Charlbury Medical Centre (CMC) in our lovely town of Charlbury. Also the vet and dentist. All organisations are needing to embrace how to communicate with 5 generations. A massive challenge with an aging population, budget challenges and multiple communication platforms. Do you have a magic wand and answer? How about for every negative post, you make an appreciative post or you go in the debate section? Do you think how your comment will impact on their motivation to improve their service for us in Charlbury? An improvement I have noticed is that CMC have installed messaging on a screen on the wall re health checks, where to go and what to do depending on your own medical situation. This is a positive change to manage their increased workload and pointing people in the right direction - next appropriate step for them. Have you noticed this or thanked them for this? Or do you just complain? Have you been a nurse, GP, practice manager, Doctor's receptionist? How do you know how it is for CMC? Have you asked? |
Valerie Stewart |
Sat 1 Feb, 10:04 Thank you Christine; that's interesting. It's bothersome observing the push to do everything online, without considering the people who can't or won't handle emails and apps. And without consideration of what the user may want help with. The neighbour I mentioned had her electricity supplier changed to OVO and they simply won't interact other than by email. I switched from BT to EE; it was a multi-aspected nightmare and when one goes to their Help pages they want you to assign your problem to a particular product and there's literally nowhere to say I'm not having a problem with your product, you numpty, I'm having a problem with your service.' But yes, CMC should please find another way. |
Christine Battersby |
Sat 1 Feb, 09:39 (last edited on Sat 1 Feb, 09:39) Valerie, I very much doubt that the change has anything to do with making staff redundant. It's more likely to be a consequence of NHS updates to the rules regarding "electronic repeat dispensing" (ERD), and CMC trying to work out how best to comply with the new guidelines. I've just been looking at these online, and puzzling over them ... I think the NHS generally -- and also the Government -- hasn't properly factored in the fact that many older and other vulnerable people can't always be handled in the most efficient (digitised) way. Add in the complications of the fact that there are international shortages of quite a few of the medications prescribed (mine included), and also that some of the medications (mine again included) are required in variable amounts each month, and I can understand how difficult it must have been to come up with a repeat prescription protocol that works for everyone. That doesn't mean, however, that CMC's current arrangements for ordering repeat prescriptions meet the needs of everyone in the Charlbury community! They do need to think again. |
Valerie Stewart |
Sat 1 Feb, 00:03 Obviously I've watched this thread develop during the day. It seems that the effects of this new policy - which according to Nikki Rycroft's post before she deleted it - wasn't discussed with the Patient Participation Group, will have the following effects: More short car journeys to post requests into the box at the surgery - short car journeys bad for cars; more pressure on central parking spaces; Receptionists' time diverted to answering telephone calls for the clinical pharmacist, as if the reception staff don't have enough demands on their time; patients with urgent needs more likely to be held up in queues; Patients who've requested a callback from the clinical pharmacist will be kept waiting for the call, likely to increase anxiety and loss of autonomy; Patients who need to ask someone to deliver their paper requests having to ask for favours, meaning more loss of autonomy; More demands on the clinical pharmacist's time - probably busy enough as things stand at the moment; (Maybe) time to get a repeat prescription extended further. According to AgeUK, nearly 30% of people over 65 in the UK don't use the internet, rising to nearly 60% in people over 75. And there's a good deal of research stating that loss of autonomy is a serious cause of distress in people who are elderly or chronically ill. And about half the people living alone are elderly. That's not an exclusive list. I am left wondering whether this is all part of a plan to make the existing repeat prescription staff redundant? |
Valerie Stewart |
Fri 31 Jan, 14:10 Thank you Helen. I don't know whether the old prescription line used to have an answering service - if so, that explains the possibility for misunderstanding. But if the request is given person-to-person, then wouldn't it be simpler if the reception staff could access the patient's prescription records and check off as items are requested? Or at the end of the conversation offer a summary of what's been requested? These are repeat prescriptions, so the records would surely be there? |
Helen Josephine Wright |
Fri 31 Jan, 13:42 I understand that it is to avoid any errors if telephone messaged are not clearly heard. CMC then need to ring back to clarify, an incorrect prescription can be dangerous. As an older person I am frequently frustrated with needing to go on line - even if we have the correct devises many companies, do not have personal contact. Our Patient Group is always working with CMC to support easier contact. Life is becoming much harder a& frustrating for all ages. We need to work together as a good community to look for solutions. |
Charlie M |
Fri 31 Jan, 12:33 "More efficient" for whom? |
Christine Battersby |
Fri 31 Jan, 12:16 What a ridiculous change. I do currently use the NHS app for repeat prescriptions, but - as Alice says - not everyone can. And also many (most?) CMC patients don't live within walking distance of the surgery. Also many of the most vulnerable don't drive.We are supposed to be making it easier - not harder - to live with long-term illnesses at home. Things are also likely to get more difficult as Wes Streeting wants more information to be added to the NHS app and, as a consequence, login procedures will also need to become more rigorous, uploading photos and the like. I did once try to do this, but eventually gave up. Charlbury will lose its access to landline phones fairly soon. Digital reception in the area is not always possible indoors. CMC please think again! |
Alice Brander |
Fri 31 Jan, 11:45 I've watched totally computer literate adults become unable to use computers in their later years. They get frustrated, distressed and dependent on others. It'll happen to all of us so please let's stop it now and don't give me the example of your one relative who died filling in online Charity Commission accounts. I had to ask several times to find out the hours that the clinical pharmacist works. It should be visible on the website. |
Claire Wilding |
Fri 31 Jan, 10:15 You can also do it on the NHS app - i appreciate that isnt accessible for everyone but it is very easy and quick. |
Valerie Stewart |
Fri 31 Jan, 09:58 My neighbour - who is very disabled, coming up for her ninetieth birthday, and not on line - rang me to say that it's no longer possible to order repeat prescriptions by telephoning the regular surgery prescription service. Requests either have to be put in the box outside the surgery or - it seems - you have to phone the practice and ask to speak to the clinical pharmacist, who will probably call you back rather than take the call on the spot. This isn't shown on their website. This, according to reception, is to make things more efficient. |
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