Nature Recovery Tea Party 2-5 pm Sat 11 Jan Memorial Hall

Graham Terry
👍 1

Thu 9 Jan, 11:44

I would certainly not encourage people to miss the party as apart from being fun it is an opportunity to hear what others think. If it absolutely impossible to attend; the Nature Recovery section on the Town Council website has an on-line questionnaire where ideas and views can be entered.

Gareth Epps

Tue 7 Jan, 09:18 (last edited on Tue 7 Jan, 09:18)

Is there a form or other means those who can’t attend can express interest or contribute?

Anne Miller
👍 1

Mon 6 Jan, 21:36

Outline of the Nature Recovery launch party on 11th January

Note all timings are approximate and will be flexible depending on attendance.

14.00 Introduction and explanation of event

14.15 What does a successful nature recovery network look like? Talk by Catriona Bass on nature recovery in Eynsham

14.40 Who is in the room? Brief pop-up talks (no more than I minute but does not have to be that long) where anyone who wishes can introduce themselves, why they have come, and how they would like to contribute to nature recovery.

N.B. Visual minutes will be made throughout and the artist will welcome people talking to her about their ideas throughout the afternoon.

15.00 “Speed Networking”. Session in which participants have the opportunity to chat with others about interests and ideas. Timekeeper will move people on every three minutes to talk with new people. There will be large post it notes available for participants to note their interests so that groups and ideas can emerge, and to record on POSSIBILITIES board and/or on one of the 3 boards for I WANT/I NEED/I CAN OFFER

15.30 Tea and Cake, and more chatting!

16.00 Project development Participants gather around tables to explore possible initiatives they would like to be involved with, how they would do that, what and who they would need to make it happen and when.

16.30 Summarising outputs from this afternoon: At the end there will be a year-long timeline of possible initiatives and activities, as well as the outputs from the OFFER/WANT/NEED boards, so people can follow-up with others afterwards, plus the Visual Minutes.

Anne Miller

Mon 6 Jan, 13:48

Thanks Flora: and if you want to see what the afternoon will look like check out the pdf on the webpage for our programme!

Flora Gregory

Sat 4 Jan, 15:36 (last edited on Sat 4 Jan, 15:38)

See event posting

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