Christmas Tree Shreading

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 5 Jan 2011, 22:33

Here you are: It works without the full stop!

It says they'll take trees even from people not signed up for green waste collections. Tuesday January 18 is the day to put them out in Charlbury.

If the tree is too big, you should cut it up and leave it out in pieces!

But who knows all this?? Surely the vast majority of people know nothing about it? Are there going to be posters? And if it's going to mean people leaving trees and bits of trees all over the pavements, would it not be better to encourage people to pile them neatly in the corner of the car park as before?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 5 Jan 2011, 22:24

That link goes to a non-existent page, Russell.

russell robson

Wed 5 Jan 2011, 20:09

Clear statement here.

If you haven't got a green bin they are recyclable at Dean Tip.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 5 Jan 2011, 18:44

I believe not, and that we are supposed to put our trees in our green bins. As not everyone has a green bin, this is hardly adequate. And I don't see the tree from the museum garden fitting in a wheely bin. I suggest we simply take our trees to the Spendlove as usual. If anyone wants to cut them up, they burn in a lively fashion on open fires.

Hopefully someone can now tell us that the plans have changed and there will be an official shredding in the car park after all.

John Munro

Wed 5 Jan 2011, 17:44

Does anyone know whether the annual Christmas tree shreading will be taking place again this year at the Spendlove Centre car park?

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