Woodstock road reports please

John Munro

Fri 24 Dec 2010, 08:53

Charlotte and Diana, have to agree that tailgating is stupid at the best of times, but in the ice and snow, is beyond belief. I hope the two of you (and everyone else out on the road) has as a safe, uneventful and happy Christmas!

Charlotte Penn

Thu 23 Dec 2010, 23:22

Many thanks Diana; you’re right, it’s the type person behind the wheel, not the car. I was tailgated again earlier on by a 2x2 – inexcusable and really scary.

Diana Limburg

Thu 23 Dec 2010, 19:33

John, I'm sure you are one of the many sensible 4x4 people that have got many stuck people out of trouble in many ways. And, yes, there have been many vans that got stuck because they were blindly following their satnav. However, we've also observed 4x4 drivers who seemed to be taking their car for a spin mainly to show off their grip. Not always terribly successfully, and creating dangerous situations. I suppose it's less the type of car and more the driver that's the issue. Just takes sense and consideration. And maybe some skill too.

John Munro

Thu 23 Dec 2010, 17:33

Whilst I am in whole-hearted agreement with your sentiment about people driving carefully, giving ordinary 2-wheel drive cares due respect and not tail-gating etc., can you not lump together 'white van man' and 4x4 drivers. I have a 4x4 myself and have full consideration for all other road users, especially in these conditions. In fact I nearly had my own 4x4 hit by a 'white van man' today in the centre of Charlbury, simply because he wanted to get through a narrow section first!

Charlotte Penn

Thu 23 Dec 2010, 16:32

Just to report that the Woodstock road is passable, but I really wish that this road could be snow ploughed. When the snow freezes at night, the height of the frozen slush is grating the bottom my car.
On the wish list, I’d really like those in 4x4s - to respect 2x2s driving at a sensible speed. I have experienced two tailgaters, both in the dark – in two days. One was a contractor and the other was a white van. I was only driving at 30/40 mph depending on the bends/slopes!

Think about it - if someone suddenly brakes, out of control – a collision is more likely.

Please drive carefully and keep your distance, with consideration and care.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 21 Dec 2010, 16:45

Many thanks Neil and Richard for taking the time and effort in updating me, and I’m sure others will appreciate this too. I have also made some further investigations, after seeing that the Woodstock road is priority 2. Anyway, I also hear that this road is drivable at the moment, and one person said that they think that it has been gritted, as I’ve now seen on Richard’s news page.

However, would someone from the Town council please explain why this road is priority 2, when it’s the main road to Oxford from Charlbury? It just doesn’t make sense?

I’ve also heard, as Tim’s posting, ‘Slow down!’, that there have been thoughtless vans/cars driving far too fast on our other surrounding roads. This beggar’s belief, with roads in this condition, so please drive slowly and carefully - especially on the bends, as you don’t know what’s coming around the corner. A car may be out of control on the wrong side of the road. I don’t give a tinker’s cuss - if this annoys anyone! This is fact and the police are aware of this. There are many decent folk who agree and who have also experienced scary moments of near crashes!

Let’s pray that the snow’s not too heavy tonight, and people drive with consideration and care.

Neil Valler

Tue 21 Dec 2010, 14:55

and that was in a normal car, by the way.

Neil Valler

Tue 21 Dec 2010, 14:54

Woodstock road is fine and perfectly drivable with care. It was better than the Enstone Road. A44 is fine. Centre of Woodstock is a complete mare!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 21 Dec 2010, 14:46

I've not tried the Woodstock Road. Bear in mind though that the Woodstock Road and the Burford Road are both 'Priority 2' which means that OCC will generally only grit them once the 'Priority 1' roads are sorted. The Priority 1 roads out of Charlbury are the Enstone, Chipping Norton/Spelsbury and Witney/Finstock roads; plus the Slade/Nine Acres Lane; and Park Street/Market Street/Thames Street. (Map here.) You could call OCC Highways on 0845 310 1111 if you need an urgent answer.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 21 Dec 2010, 14:39

Come on guys, surely someone (you reads this forum), has travelled along the Woodstock road. I have to make plans now, and once again would appreciate some news on this road's conditions. I don't have a 4x4 and don't want to get stuck, and walk 5 miles.

Charlotte Penn

Tue 21 Dec 2010, 11:45

Is it only 4x4s travelling on this road? And, has the road been snow ploughed/gritted? I see from the BBC weather site that more snow is coming tonight and need to make plans this afternoon. Help here would really be appreciated.

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