Laura Ellison |
Wed 11 Sep 2024, 20:04 For non urgent enquiries, sick notes, prescriptions or to request a call back from a clinician, you can fill out an 'e consult' form online. Its a bit of clicking and box ticking but it can be completed in under five minutes. You are given a reference number and should expect a response by the end of the next working day. |
Stephen Bubb |
Tue 10 Sep 2024, 17:30 Have to say I’ve always had good service and treatment from the medical centre. I know it’s a trial waiting on the phone at 8am but it’s the only way to manage demand against a highly pressured GP service. In general I’m afraid our NHS is in need of major reform. And I’ve always found the staff great. |
Claire Wilding |
Mon 9 Sep 2024, 19:55 I appreciate having a practice in Charlbury and I recognise all the difficulties you have outlined in your other post . However . When i complained direct to CMC about a serious failing they didn’t reply. When I complained about them not replying to my complaint ,they didn’t reply to that either. |
Charlbury Patient Participation Group |
Mon 9 Sep 2024, 13:10 It is recognised that Charlbury residents, especially patients of the Charlbury Medical Centre (CMC), will be interested in standards of service provision by their local surgery. It would be helpful to the Practice and to patients, if any concerns are voiced directly to the CMC rather than through posts on the Forum. The Practice will want to look at what went wrong, how it came about and importantly what improvements can be made as a result. This is best achieved by having a dialogue with the patient. Complaints can be made in writing or by using the form on the CMC website: Go to Practice Information and click on Feedback and Complaints. Feedback forms are also available on the table in reception. It would also be appreciated that, if patients have positive feedback expressing satisfaction (or more) with service provision, this could also be submitted so that lessons can be learned on what works well. Anyone who is a CMC patient and is interested in being involved in feeding patient views to the Practice and receiving news of Practice developments and other health information should become a member of the virtual CMC Patient Participation Group. To join, email: Charlbury Patient Participation Group, steering committee
The PPG Committee can also pass on questions about Practice services such as the recent one posted about the number of consultations handled by CMC GPs each day. On checking, they can confirm that the Practice reports that they fully meet BMA standards for the number of GP consultations per day.
Hans Eriksson |
Tue 3 Sep 2024, 17:15 I wonder how many "urgent" doctors appointments / day the CMC handles? As I understand it each appointment is meant to take 10 minutes plus some admin around them. So three an hour / doctor. Does that seem right? If so in an 8 hour working day and two doctors on site the CMC should be able to handle some 40 appointments / day... Having said all that the average number of doctors /1000 people is about 2.3 in the UK... Seems CMC does not have enough doctors. |
stephen cavell |
Tue 3 Sep 2024, 08:56 A message received from the ether "I have a Doctors appointment; looking to trade it for an Oasis ticket" |
stephen cavell |
Mon 26 Aug 2024, 08:56 Please note that my criticism is not of the medical staff at CMC. I too have had excellent experience over 30 years. I am following up Graham's original post; how does one access that information when you can't get past the first phone call or access NHS on line- I note Nikki's post and hope that it improves matters. |
Kate Pook |
Sun 25 Aug 2024, 21:49 Always excellent from my point of view |
Sarah Geeson Brown |
Sun 25 Aug 2024, 10:27 I understand people's frustration at not seeing a doctor/nurse when at one's most vulnerable. But I just want to add a positive comment. We have been with the surgery for over 30 years, and have always experienced professional and caring support. Our current two doctors, Dr McIntyre and Dr Mason are fantastic, and the nurses never fail to cheer. Surely the problem is recruitment? Like so many surgeries they struggle to find and retain doctors, so they are constantly battling through a long working day, understaffed. This is a national issue, not just a Charlbury problem. |
Jan Going |
Sun 25 Aug 2024, 08:11 I left this medical centre because of their inefficiency. Last year I was just driving into the car park when I received a text message to say my appointment was cancelled. It was because workmen were there and there wasn't a room to do a blood test. I went in and complained (having driven 6 miles) so they found a room upstairs and it went ahead. I'm now with a new purpose built surgery which offers lots of different services and who are extremely good at communicating by text or email. |
stephen cavell |
Sun 25 Aug 2024, 07:09 Recorded messages; generic texts and emails; inaccessible - to the patient - NHS records; no answer on test results means you are OK; NHS surveys; but where are the real people? Communication between Dr and patient is rare. I speak as one who lost contact with CMC for 4 days until I went down to a deserted Centre at lunch time and banged on doors; gained the attention of a Dr. arranged my own home visit to be told 2 hrs later "this is an end of life situation" I have since joined the Charlbury Patient Group in the hope that I might have the opportunity to discuss my concerns in that forum. No answer is the stern reply. I finish by saying that my experiences with other parts of the NHS - single point of Access (SPA}, Emergency Unit at witney (EMU), 999 calls; to Banbury Hospital; out of hours Dr at 9.30 at night and the Carers 2 by 2 at 7am 11am 3pm and 7pm brilliant. |
Anna Cherry |
Wed 21 Aug 2024, 14:27 Since my brilliant doctor left the practice and post-covid, I have to agree that CMC needs to change the way it operates. In my case, back in the spring, much-needed antibiotics were delayed due to gross inability to find an available doctor to issue the prescription as they were all 'tied up' giving Covid jabs. Following this, around 3.30am in the early hours, I was in agony and called 111 who advised I would be contacted by a GP within 6 hours. Nearly 10 hours later, around 12.30pm, the Receptionist said the doctor will try to call you after lunch [and 'we can't always meet 111 guarantees']. I immediately went down to the Surgery and cried to get attention in front of waiting patients. This finally paid off and a wonderful GP came to my rescue - she was excellent but oh the drama and distress before you can actually get to see a real live doctor. More recently I was on holiday in North Wales and the scenario couldn't have been more different. I was able to attend a dispensing pharmacy within two hours of symptoms and the female pharmacist was empathetic, incredibly informative and highly professional . . . |
Nikki Rycroft |
Mon 19 Aug 2024, 15:16 We have spoken to the CMC today and asked them to clarify the message, which they have done immediately. It’s important to listen to the full message if you have an urgent medical need which will always be triaged by a clinician, despite the fact that they are under considerable pressure at the moment, or to phone back after 11 am to obtain a non urgent appointment. On behalf of the CMC Patient Group Committee |
Graham Wisker |
Sun 18 Aug 2024, 10:42 (last edited on Sun 18 Aug 2024, 10:44) I do not have an issue with the medical team within the centre, I come under Dr. Natalie Mason, along with Kirstie, and recently Niall, all of which are excellent. The problem is trying trying to get through to these people. I had a major issue with my hugely swollen knee, after visiting the MIU in Witney Hospital it was diagnosed with possible hip problems. The nurse at Witney said why I hadn't gone to my local surgery!, "Wish me luck on that one" was my response. She also said that a number of people from Charlbury have had the same problem. I would like to reiterate that I do not have any issues with the Professional team within the centre. |
Christopher Tatton |
Sat 17 Aug 2024, 12:15 Have to say, I have always had excellent service from the Charlbury Medical Centre. I turned up at reception with very acute stomach pain back in May , and was seen immediately by the paramedics practitioner based at the surgery, Who thought I had a bad gastric infection, but advised that I ring 111 in the evening if still ill. They sent me to the out of hours GP in Witney, who referred me to the Surgery Emergency ward at the John Radcliffe hospital, who after a couple of tests and scans in the mid of the night told me I had a bad gall bladder infection and stones, and was on the operating list for the next day. So, absolutely excellent health care from the Charlbury Medical Centre, Out of Hours doctors and the NHS in general. 😁 |
Graham Wisker |
Sat 17 Aug 2024, 08:55 Totally agree with you Father Clive |
Father Clive Dytor |
Fri 16 Aug 2024, 17:44 I tried to get an appointment this week as I woke up on Sunday morning stone deaf in one ear. It was impossible to get one, even calling at 8 am exactly to hear that there were no appointments. Eventually I went to the centre and the very nice lady told me the doctor was ill. So I went to JR A+E and apologised for taking up their time. They were excellent and passed me onto a doctor in the Urgent Care centre on-site and I was seen immediately by a very good young doctor. All in all it took less than 30 minutes. I don’t blame our doctors or staff but the local GP sytem is broken. |
Graham Wisker |
Fri 16 Aug 2024, 16:45 I was told that there was no more appointments available |
Susie Finch
(site admin) |
Fri 16 Aug 2024, 16:33 The appts are not all gone as they state on the message. If you on the line you will eventually be spoken to and get an appointment. This happened to me yesterday! |
Graham Wisker |
Fri 16 Aug 2024, 08:06 What is the point of the medical centre? They open the the telephone line at 8am, by 8:01 all appointments are full. So I'll take their advice and go the Witney Hospital. |
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