Invertebrate of the year 2024: spineless heroes

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Sat 6 Apr, 20:04

Good grief- even I, one of the most vocal persons stirring the rabble on this’ere site, hadn’t anticipated the outpouring of vitriol upon our august leaders…. And feel an immediate pang of remorse that the slugs and worms of this Ecosphere underpinning the very foundations of our “higher species  existence“ in their systematic works’ be equated with the machinations of a supposedly sentient and cogniscent species seemingly bent upon a self-determined Darwin Award…..

👍 2

Sat 6 Apr, 15:46

I attended the Oxford Literary Festival and watched the interview with William Hague who was there to promote his books and his wonderfulness. He has an impressive understanding on current Geo Politics and the potential head towards WW3  - if all current world crises converge. The last question from a well versed and smart lady was, along the lines of, If you are confident that the UK is heading in the right direction - it seems all systems are broken or in disrepair - name one system that works in the UK.  His answer - The Passport Office! Many had attended to feel some hope - I osmosed the collective sigh! 

Emily Algar
👍 14

Thu 4 Apr, 09:40

The entire Tory government?

Graham Wisker
👍 3

Thu 4 Apr, 08:05


Flora Gregory

Wed 3 Apr, 21:38

And the first nomination...the Glow Worm !   

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 1

Wed 3 Apr, 20:48

Lest we forget! We wouldn't last 3 months without them. What would Charlbury denizens think? (And what do the Hedge Hospital's guest eat we all care for? ).

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Invertebrate of the year 2024: all hail Earth’s spineless heroes

Highly diverse and charismatic, these creatures deserve

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