UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than . (Debate)

Alice Brander

Sat 9 Dec 2023, 14:06

A good holiday read from the Resolution Foundation on the subject of increased poverty and inequality in our country and the difficult choices that we face given that we are starting from here.  Interesting that it identifies Nottingham as being the town in the England with the lowest income per head of population.

Alice Brander
👍 3

Wed 29 Nov 2023, 07:47

Mrs T. was a Conservative.  She marched in the streets of London wearing a jumper with the flags of the EEC  (the European Economic Community) to support the First Referendum to Remain in the EEC in 1975.  

She fought long and hard for the single market that happened in 1993 at the time of Maastricht.  Like all free market Conservatives she wanted the free movement of goods, capital, services and people. 

What she argued against was regulation and standards using the rhetoric of "loss of sovereinty" to appease her Party's anti-EEC minority.  We never lost it, otherwise we would have had to ask permission to leave the union.

Elected members of the European Parliament kept insisting that participating countries in a single market don't undercut each other by reducing standards, using dangerous practices and hiding funding sources in tax havens.  And worse still, because they were elected under a system of PR they represented the majority of the people.  So now we have left - we will become poorer and inequalities will increase.  Stands to reason, it's what we voted for.

Carl A Perkins
👍 2

Tue 28 Nov 2023, 14:13

Mrs Thatcher was pro-ECC, she was not in favour of the ECC transitioning into a federal Europe, as she clearly stated in her Bruges speech in 1988.

Charlie M
👍 2

Tue 28 Nov 2023, 09:51

Indeed Malcolm, but for much of the 1970's, we had a government that actually cared aboiut such things, even though they may have failed in many other ways.

And given the ghastly shower that we have today, epitomised by our pathetic excuse for an MP, I would even prefer Thatcher ... after all, whatever else she did, she was at least pro-Europe, and the tragedy of Brexit would never have happened on her watch.

Malcolm Blackmore
👍 3

Mon 27 Nov 2023, 13:17

UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds

[Can one use the word "treason" again for this betrayal of the majority? Charlie 1 got topped for treason as a man of blood for causing a civil war that killed a million in England…

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