Supposed to be a Debate section but provocation brings nowt (Debate)

Harriet Baldwin
👍 16

Sat 18 Nov 2023, 16:29

I think Malcolm your posts are too long. I have problems with reading on screens and need printed matter, so I can't/don't read them, and it's a known fact that people don't read long things on the Internet, that why they get summarised TLDR...

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 17 Nov 2023, 12:28

Having become very demoralised and lacking stimulation in my virtually housnebound state - hell virtually bed bound much of the time with effects of deep injuries, Fibromyalgia/CFS-ME and now after 3 bouts of Covid in as many months Long Covid. Only managed to get out for a short dogwalr twice in the last two months.

Innocent thought it may seems. Naive. Disingenuous maybe? So many there are of "Provocative" clips from media, provocative statements of opinion, proactive actions - but nothing seems to get much rolling on. 

Someone else have a go. The newspapers, science journals, economic publications pile up with, with .. dunno ...  the myriad cracking crazy-quilting for a crazy time, of a skein of our natural and socio-economic life support systems and those with power, we look through a crazy-paved falling away of all sort of like walking across the fragmented bridge made up of shattered car glass windows. Surely we should say something.... 

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