
Sale at the Community Centre

This advert was posted 165 days ago and may no longer be relevant.

There is currently a sale of unclaimed lost property items at the Community Centre.

All items have been cleaned and laundered and all prices are under £10.  Cash or cards are accepted. And if you should discover something belonging to you that you thought you had lost, please feel free to reclaim it.  It will be helpful if you inform the reception staff that it's yours.

We also have several shelves of children's games (not for sale), for the use of all users of the Centre.  However, we have an increasing problem with games and jigsaws not being returned properly to their boxes, and bits being scattered all over the shelves, the cafe tables or even the floor.  This results in lost pieces which makes the games and jigsaws unuseable.  We would be grateful if all parents could take responsibility for ensuring that their children return games and jigsaws to the shelves in the correct boxes and replaced tidily where they came from. This would help enormously, - many thanks.

MARION GREENFIELD · Tue 3 Sep 2024, 09:31 · Link

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