Gary McAlea

Thu 16 Nov 2006, 01:04

I had to watch my wife suffer with her cancer treatment because some jumped up tree hugger decided to not test medication on a pig. Could you come and tell my 7 year old daughter why she had to watch her mother suffer in agony in hospital as her white cell count dropped to 0.4 (normal is 8.0)exposed her to every infection and bug going and shortened her life because of unknown side effects as the drugs had to go to human testing as bunny huggers objected? Grow and get a life!! i am sure you and your "grassroots animal rights orgainasion that takes the fight to the animal obusers themselves" change their tune when one of their loved ones is in the same position

kate southey

Wed 7 Dec 2005, 22:42

I think the poster will change her opinion when she's an adult.
I am against animals being used for cosmetics research, but thats almost totally outlawed now any way.
But for medical research, unles the anti vivisectionists want to stand up and volunteer to be 'guinea pigs' then I'm happy for animals to do the job.
One of my best friends, a mother of 4 children, only just into her 40's died this summer of cancer. I'd sacrifice a hundred thousand bunnies to have her back, even for only 1 more week. The cure for cancer just may come from animal testing one day.
Kate x

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 10 Oct 2005, 19:26

Moved to off-topic board. -- Richard, site admin

Geoff Belcher

Mon 10 Oct 2005, 18:08

There would be thousands of people suffering from many illnesses if not for this experimenting,I hope you are not taking any medication especially for diabetees as many are linked to animal testing!
dont let this forum turn into a vivisection riot!

graham W

Mon 10 Oct 2005, 17:48

Surely this site is not for political debate, but as far as I'm concerned, if someone I know is very ill and the remedy has been tested on an animal; the animal gets it I'm afraid

becky landale

Mon 10 Oct 2005, 17:15

IMAGIN YOURSELF IN A LABORATORY. Imagin that your skull has been sliced open and part of your brain has been removed. Then imagin that you have spent 15 years imprisoned in a barron cage denied to contact with your own species, never feeling the sun, the wind or the rain on your face, never experiencing the natural world into which your forebears were born,and tat you have been experimented over and over again. Without any respite, or without any hope.Now imagin that this scenario is being enacted as you are reading this. This is'nt fiction -its fact. Thats what animals at Oxford University are forced to endure everyday.

NOW oxford universitywant to increasethe numberof animals they use in experimentsand are attempting to build a new research centre.



The SPEAK campaign was formed after SPEAC (stop primate experiments at Cambridge)one a attle to prevent the building of Europes largest primate research center at Cambridge University,a project with whichthe government had been closely linked.


SPEAK aim to prevent the surrifering of animals arcross the board;it a grassroots animal rights orgainasion that takes the fight to the animal obusers themselves.It is not fundamentally a single-issue organisation but its current focas is to end vivisection.


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