White toilet (Debate)

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Sun 21 Nov 2021, 17:16 (last edited on Mon 22 Nov 2021, 00:46)

In Japan I have experienced one of the toilet seats that automatically lights up at night as one approaches. Some WCs also sense when one is approaching or leaving, and lowers or raises the lid.

The multiple buttons for heating the toilet seat, the varieties of jets of water and air, the choice of music (Chopin, Brahms, Mozart etc.) to play to drown out any embarrassment etc etc, are also quite astonishing. 

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Nov 2021, 20:37

I mis-remembered- the words were spelt with the American “English” ‘z’…

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Nov 2021, 20:35

And then I remember being told of the shock of un-warned visitor to Japan whose nethers were suddenly blasted with a jet of “hygenising”* water and a “dryingising”* jet of hopefully warm air. If there was a notice in the room it’s seldom in a European language…

* where there was a handwritten post-it note that’s how it was written..

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Nov 2021, 20:28

Actually, lit-up toilet target actuation, as the airforce would say of an interception victim “painted” in the radar weapon aiming “beam”, might have some benefits, not least not turning on room lights at night and thus not disturbing the slumbers of light-sleepers in immediately adjacent rooms…

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Nov 2021, 20:21

On going up to University from a very poor single parent family, as one of the first couple in the first year group to do so, from a very poor working class school  and CFE, we had never even heard of - much less seen - a “duvet”. Having never possessed a new piece of bedding, I took my full maintenance grant (worth more squid than anything we were able to earn locally) and blew a wad of it on a Woolies bed linen, pillow and duvet set.

I thought deep chocolate brown with yellow borders and curly motifs was really up to date and “with it”. Flares, multi-hued tank-tops, platform boots, long hair (unless you can grow a nice thatch with body, not my lank straggling rat-tails. WHAT were we thinking?

Oh, the up and downstairs amenities on moving here in ‘05 were Avocado with fake gold metal fittings (gilding rubbed off in places). Having absorbed some lumpen intelligentsia “taste” they were immediately sledgehammered with extreme prejudice, and with plain white replacements. 

vicky burton
👍 1

Fri 19 Nov 2021, 10:31

And now I find myself looking up light up toilet seats on ebay! Yes they exist! £35.00..

Leah Fowler

Fri 19 Nov 2021, 10:28

I once went on a tour of bathrooms at Wardington Manor ! 

Valerie Stewart
👍 1

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 23:12

I accidentally found myself reading an advertisement for toilet seats that light up at night, thereby enabling more accurate navigation and aiming. 

They were also described as 'motion-sensitive.'

Tim Gosling
👍 1

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 21:14

I am glad everyone has bought into the spirit of this debate. I feel flushed with success! My Parents bought a chocolate brown bath, sink and toilet in 1976. What were they thinking of? They had a dark brown carpet to go with it!

Helen Chapman
👍 1

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 19:48

Ha ha! We had an olive green Crowsley Reynolds toilet which got removed when we moved into our house 11 years ago. Before that the house hadn't been modified at all since the 1970s.

Rod Evans
👍 2

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 17:13

Ah, at last a really serious debate, something to get your cheeks around.

You should have seen our builders' a couple of years ago – old and grey (just don’t go there ok…), broken seat, flushing - if you were lucky - straight into the septic tank, so delightfully scented.  But well ventilated - door wouldn't stay shut so opened up to a great view across the valley while ....

Personally I take a very firm position on this, however much of a strain.  As my fellow Stratfordian is said to have put it:  'My Lords, linger not here in windy disputation But let the matter drop.'  Funny, I can’t find the citation…

My mum's was avocado Tim, like yours now - thankfully - gone to the great depository in the sky.  Hopefully all those pink and blue ones too.  Oh what did you just say Amanda & Michele?? Damn!  Purple anyone?

michele marietta

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 11:31

Don't get rid of your brightly coloured basins, toilets or tubs. They're all coming back into fashion.

Next up: Flocked wallpaper.

Amanda Epps
👍 1

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 10:44

It’s a Crowsley Reynolds thing in the 70’s.  They were the builders for some Charlbury estates.  Ours was blue.

Tim Gosling
👍 1

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 09:15

Yes, not really a matter for debate, but we can turn this thread around and make a debate out of it. When we moved to Charlbury in 98 our house had a yellow toilet and bath. I had never seen a yellow one before. It has gone now, but i wish i had kept a photo of it. So, does anyone else in Charlbury have a brightly coloured toilet? Is it a Charlbury thing or just a leftover idea from the 1970's?

K Harper
👍 2

Wed 17 Nov 2021, 17:46

Don’t think this is the correct page for this post?? Kris

Elaine Kazimierczuk

Wed 17 Nov 2021, 10:20

Clean, white, modern, dual flush toilet with seat. Free, but you'd need to collect.

Photograph available.

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