Orion's Arm: CC-licensed, post-Singularity shared world (Debate)

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 19 Aug 2005, 17:12

Malcolm you can contact me on 810861 (evening) or at susanna_finch@hotmail.com and I can forward your offer (if you can make it) to the relevant bods. Even if its just folding raffle tickets - its all a help. By the way, Street Fair is on 17th September. Lets hope you feel better to perhaps come onto the committee next year. Susie x

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Aug 2005, 13:52

I think that was aimed at any younger people around who might want to do something that isn't fantasy stuff ... fantasy roleplay seemed to be all the rage a decade or so back for a chunk of them, so out of touch no idea if so now.

Any anything with "future crystal ball gazing" appeals to me. I was a science/technology policy wonk for many years in the 70s and 80s and thus had to be something of a "futurologist", but fell foul of the upper class elements who took over the environmental movement in the 80s so was eased out of the area along with a lot of others who's faces "didn't fit" the process of making environmentalism politically safe to corporate global capitalism.

Still, I'm often amused (and embittered) to see even to this day, up to 30 years later, stuff keeps coming up that is predicated on the work a handful of us did behind the scenes as long ago as that. Sometimes even using the same terminology. Nice to know that established opinion has finally accepting the stuff we were telling them ca 1976 and taken the secret services off our backs for saying it...

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 19 Aug 2005, 13:44

Hi Susie

Janet and I have been meaning to get in touch about the Street Fair as a way of building up our contacts having recently moved up here from Summertown (the snobby bit of Oxford which is why we left, in large part). But I've had a really bad health session over the summer so have been limited to looking after the kids and trying to get some semblance of order into the place having had to sack an idiot builder before finishing! Perhaps in the final run up we can do something, we had intended to but time has just flown by in a welter of chaos and disorganisation and (for me) a series of nasty blackouts and days of "greyouts" geting near to that state. Yuk.

Not sure yet whether we actually are getting a holiday this summer due to a crisis at Janet's work, if so only for a short week break B&B'ing...

Contact details?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 19 Aug 2005, 13:36

Malcolm, when you do get back from holiday - would you like to help us on Street Fair day. If so, please contact me. I am sure we can find lots of jobs for you to do - eg. sell tickets, help on BBQ, etc etc etc!

Don Kelly

Fri 19 Aug 2005, 11:07

Malcolm, I think you need that holiday.....

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 18 Aug 2005, 13:06

Just in case anyone interested in a local chapter, eh? Probably too old and not enough time to mess about with this...but if only such toys had been around the late 60s and early 70s (the internet etc.), mixed with the inquisitive fascination and intellectually aspirational upward mobility (and…

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